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Lucy's dad having an epiphany of decency before he passed was really cool, in that it allows Lucy some comfort!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Romeo was taught by one of the ex-members of Phantom Lord aka Totomaru. Seems like another Phantom Lord member turned over a new leaf and became a decent guy. *spits* Screw Jose though. Lahmia Scale and Blue Pegasus were the only two guilds that never stopped trying to find Tenrou Island. Ofc Pegasus were the ones who succeeded, but once the news broke Lyon was all "I GOTTA SEE GRAY!" It's also nice that Toby The Dogman, Eyebrows, Sherry, and Jura wanted to see Natsu and co again. The comraderie of the rival guilds is so nice :) Jude died one month before Lucy awoke. THAT STINGS! Jude was a douche to Lucy, but he did change for the better and sadly he never got to see Lucy again. But I do love that he knew she was alive all that time and did not die fearing for where she was. Jude is a hard guy to like, but I do think it was Layla's death that made him into the cynical and heartless buisness douche that he became. In the end though, he came back to who he once was and gave Lucy a Get out of Jail free card by covering her rent and sending her those gifts for her birthdays. The segments with Lucy mourning her dad always get to me.


"My prayer... I... just wanted to hear the voice of my one friend... Cubellios." I'll just leave this here without context ;)

Lewd Angel

It may just be the long years we've been watching anime here, and the longer ones still since i started watching on my own, but its hard for me to dislike Jude. When your competition is Tucker or Vinsmoke, a neglectful father that was made cynical and closed off by the death of his wife is the least offensive you can get. It takes a lot to turn around after that, good on him for being able to turn over a new leaf, it's only a shame him and Lucy never got the opportunity to renew that relationship, but at least she got good closure. Real excited for One Piece as well, we've gotten some absolute banger episodes with major reveals dropped recently, its been a wild ride with no signs of stopping

Lewd Angel

This one i just wanted to post in a separate comment because it's a bit personal. While narratively i would classify this episode as not even close to the most emotionally hard hitting one in the show, but for me personally it gets that spot because of how closely to home it hits. When my grandfather passed a few years ago, it was a very odd experience, we weren't estranged like Lucy and Jude were but it didn't feel like we had much of a relationship. When he died it was while i was away for my first year of college, i wasn't told for a little while because my parents were afraid of it screwing up my finals, so the news came as a very sudden surprise. It was odd, i was definitely sad, and lonely, just like Lucy, but the tears never came. Not when the news hit, not at the family gathering, not at the service, not at the funeral. It wasn't until 2 months later when i found one of his fishing kits that he had left behind for me as a gift for when i'd come back from college that it struck me, we had a lot of memories together of him teaching me when i was pretty young that i had forgotten, thats when the water works came down heavy because i realized it wasn't a lack of a relationship but life getting in the way of what was already there. Suffice it to say, the similarities in the episode make it hit a lot harder than it does for most people :)


I guess when you grow older you also turn soft. I have seen this episode couple of times, but I'm tearing up now, I don't remember tearing up when I last watched this...


About One Piece, there's a lot in the few episodes that you are behind, but I'm not sure if the 1083 (which also is a heavy hitter) will make it in this batch, since it comes out on Sunday and you are couple of days ahead usually on recordings.