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I'm not buying that Padme isn't into Clovis. And that's definitely got Anakin cruising in a dark direction!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ




Is the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy going to be reacted to after you finish this series?


I’m going to try to keep this short but I’ve been waiting to talk about how insane Anakin and Padme’s Marriage is. I will never understand how a woman as intelligent as Padme thought it would be a good idea to marry a walking red flag with virtually no game. One of the things I feel we don't see enough in the show is that Anakin is really weird, and has always been really emotionally unstable and he definitely wasn't mature enough to get married. Right off the bat this whole relationship is a little weird because of the five year age gap between them (which wouldn’t be so weird if Padme didn’t meet Anakin when he was nine). Anakin is younger than Padme, and besides this marriage he has had no experience with romantic relationships, and it shows. Anakin’s early attempts at flirting were not to be believed. Of course the deal breaker for me would have been shortly before they got married when after the death of his mother Anakin admitted that he got so angry that he slaughtered an entire village of “Not just the men, but the women, and the children too.” I would have run away so quick, but not Padme. She decided to marry the psycho. I am convinced that the only reason this relationship lasted is that the war keeping them apart.


She may not admit it, but I'm pretty sure Padme is a crazy thrill-seeker and Anakin is the wildest ride of her life.

Joel Miller

But is Anakin into Clovis? Does Clovis like sand?


I think a lot of what Anakin does can be explained by his age/immaturity. He should be around 22 at this point, and you don't exactly learn how to be mature in social relationships as a Jedi. That's why he's so possessive/jealous and the fact that he can exert control over the fates of himself and others in combat probably results in him wanting to control others in his social life as well. It doesn't help that he's genuinely powerful and growing so fast in his abilities.