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I believe Canute knows Thorfinn well enough to realize that if he wants to see him, he's gonna see him!

I WATCH VINLAND SAGA AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GEXH3WKK0/vinland-saga




I think the reason Canute didn't want to see Thorfinn is because the last time Canute saw him, Thorfinn slashed his face with a knife for killing Askellad. Even though it's been 4+ years since then, Canute has seen how revenge-driven and dangerous Thorfinn can be. He's probably just being cautious.

Lewd Angel

If that were the case i think he would also know that the men he has would not be able stop Thorfinn, i agree with Curtis, i think he just knows Thorfinn will find his way to him one way or another and is just letting him do things his own way.


Could be; I'm sure that's part of it. But I also believe he's just resigned himself to the fact that Thorfinn will accomplish whatever he wants.


So Thorfin is taking the path of the pacifist Christian which I take issue with cause you can find plenty of example of the opposite. I wish I could tell him about Jeremiah 51:20 “You are my war club, my weapon for battle— with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms” Go kill them thorfin…at least beat the dudes ass.