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This was an amazing beginning! The characters are awesome, the fights are very cool and I really like the story!

I WATCH AHSOKA AT DISNEY PLUS: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/ahsoka/pdpjs2TO4zJ4 



J Johnson

This is another series in the "Filoniverse" which is referring to Dave Filoni who was in charge of the Clone Wars series, then he created the Rebels series, which is sort of an unofficial sequel to the Clone Wars, then a bunch of other series that are all connected to the Clone Wars with characters from each of them, it's sort of like the Marvel Cinematic universe with all their connected movies and TV shows but just with Star Wars series headed up by Dave Felino. Ahsoka is the latest one so you are kind of jumping in on the tail end of of like a dozen collective seasons of various TV series so you'll get some inadvertent spoilers as to what happened to those characters previously.

Heavenly Demon

Wait have you seen rebels? This has major spoilers to rebels. This is a sequel to it. Also no more one piece live action


I just finished the reaction so I'll share some details, Huyang, Ahsoka's droid is actually played by David Tennant, he's actually a pretty famous actor for playing the Doctor in Doctor who as well as a lot of other roles like Kilgrave in Jessica Jones, you'd probably recognize him as Barty Crouch Jr, the guy who was faking being Mad eye Moony in Harry Potter. It's a little hard to explain exactly, but these films aren't entirely green screened, Disney uses a new technique for their Marvel and Star Wars shows involving this giant dome with non reflective LED screens on the inside to create the backgrounds and sky, the benefit of the tech over conventional greenscreens is it can be far more realistic, because the surrounding lights will reflect off of the actors making it seem like they're really there.

Brother E

Honestly we should have you watch the movies soon.


Is there a set show for after Clone Wars is finished if not I'd Say Star Wars Rebels should go into the poll

Sean PaulT60

Honestly, this is a show that you would need to at least have seen the finale and of Rebels since the plot centers around what happened in the finale of Rebels. Beyond that... If I was to give my feelings of the first episode, I would definitely call it poorly written. Like, I feel there wasn't a good reason to let the guys with old Jedi Codes onto the ship, the captain outright calls it a bluff for some reason and despite having a big prisoner on board, he lets them aboard. He even goes to greet them himself with very few soldiers with him if things turn bad, which they predictably did. This feels like the plot wanting the prisoner to be rescued but not caring about how they go about doing that, I feel this gives a very bad first impression and in my personal opinion I don't think it gets better from here.

The Abyssal Drink

Bad writing, pacing, acting, and action. I've caught myself ranting about how 3 frames worth of a fight make zero fucking sense. Characters make dumb decisions so that the plot can happen. Lightsabers aren't treated like the death weapons they are. I feel more life from a robot than the main fucking cast. There's no set up for the world and, yeah, the show expects you to already know the story of Rebels which is fine but not how you get more fans. I just remembered I ranted about the opening text crawl. Gods this show is bad. If Curtis wants to watch it though, then all the power to him. If he can somehow enjoy it despite what should be glaring flaws if you think about the show for more than a minute, then even better.


It would be a shame to miss out on a great lineup of shows by skipping ahead this far in the timeline. CW and Rebels are two of the greatest shows ever, highly recommend at least finishing one before moving onto this


I have no game in this fight since I've only seen the 6 movies and that's all that exsist to me. However, it's interesting how people are divided on this. The people who like it point to references to past characters and other related shows. The people that hate it point to emotionless planks of characters. Along with bad diologue,pacing, and no sense of stakes. It's interesting looking in from the outside.


13:23 Ah shit, must be using AT&T like me. Reception sucks with them. Rosario Dawson (who plays Ahsoka) Is one of the most beautiful actresses I've ever seen. I've had a crush on her for many years. When the bots blew up I was reminded of this video I watched regarding nukes. They're TERRIFYING. When it explodes, it literally vaporizes everything within it's blast radius, sends out a massive shockwave that exerts outwards and then is drawn backwards only a lot of the air is filled with O2, so it literally sets everything on fire with that 180 turn shockwave. The Tsar Bomba in particular is the most deadly of the bunch. Just some terrifying facts, I thought I'd share XD