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I gotta admit, even through her first drunk and the puking of rainbow bubbles, Uzaki remains adorable!

I WATCH UZAKI-CHAN WANTS TO HANG OUT AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GNVHKN7KZ/uzaki-chan-wants-to-hang-out



Some guy named Chris

I remember those days. My first time getting absolutely hammered my early 20’s. Was at a drinking party at my friends apartment. All I remember was waking up sometime after passing out on the couch and one of my friends standing over me clearly in the middle of drawing on my face. Our eyes met and all he said was ‘I already started, might as well let me finish’ then I blacked out again. Woke up in the morning with a splitting headache and sore everywhere. Dragged my hungover ass to the bathroom and then saw myself in the mirror. I don’t know where he got the makeup but he made my face up like a geisha. Not well done, but clearly that’s what he was attempting. Good times.


Ah I got drunk for the 1st time last year at a Halloween party, I was 22 and it was the worst experience ever lol, the day of was actually really great but the whole next day was a constant run to the washroom to throw up, it also actually completely turned me off of alcohol, even just smelling any makes me gag, let alone try to drink any, which to be honest I'm all right with.


I don't drink and don't know what a Hangover feels like. I wouldn't say I'd never drink, but I've seen my friends pretty drunk in the past which made it kinda unappealing to me. Hangovers seem pretty rough too. I love cats but I think Shinichi likes them a lot more I think. lol I think that I'd be uncomfortable to go into a cat cafe alone too, so I feel like a can relate to Shinichi here