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Nibbler is awesome! Although I thought I was the only one who took dark matter poops!

I WATCH FUTURAMA AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/futurama-85bf4cc1-cd8b-4469-ad87-7289217a0b74



Lord Baldur

Oh boy if you think Fry is an idiot, wait until you see more of Zapp


Zapp is a lot funnier to me when I realized that he's a play on Captain Kirk from Star Trek. Apparently the creators wanted to portray Kirk but with him acting more like WIlliam Shatner (The actor who plays him).

Kevin Bartelen

It's not just you, I think anyone who's bothered by Leela having only one eye has some sort of brain problem.

Hunter Freese

Keep the futurama coming. One of my personal favorites!!! nibbler has LORE, if you keep watching you will see


I'm sure you noticed it, but: "Brannigan's Law" forbids interference with undeveloped worlds. It makes you wonder what the hell Zapp Brannigan did to have THAT law named after him.


Wow I'm dumb I never caught that before. That's hilarious. Considering all we see zap do it has to be pretty bad

Casey Heald

...gross. I'd also never seen that joke in that context before. Thanks for that 😒

Casey Heald

Took me several seasons to realize we'd already sort of seen him once in an earlier episode

Sly Spectre

Sorry for the 5 days late almost 4am post. Im a nocturnal black hole for content. lol I cant wait for "Luck of The Fry-rish" episode. That is in my top 5 Futrama episodes. It isnt until season 3 tho. Itll be worth the wait. Gives another great Fry backstory.