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The pizza boys are certainly go-getters! And the Elves are looking to bring the cooking magic, as well!

I WATCH RESTAURANT TO ANOTHER WORLD AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GR49493P6/restaurant-to-another-world



Some guy named Chris

Yeah, the story behind Alice is a sad one. Her kind is very rare. Usually when two half elves have a child they are half elf, rarely the child is just straight human. Even more rarely, they are practically a full on elf. Half elves and humans reach the age of maturity roughly the same time, late teens I think. elves are considered adults at 100. The elves also tend to be very closed off from other races, likely even more so with the half elves. Just like many humans seem to shun the half elves. So it’s likely the village had no idea how to deal with someone who should be an adult but doesn’t seem to be. Doesn’t excuse what they did, but I think that’s their reasoning. As example, Victoria the half elf mage is in her mid 30’s. Alice isn’t that far off in age. While Victoria is fully grown, Alice had essentially the mind of an 8 year old.