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No matter how desperately the Duchess would like to keep the peace, if they're been infiltrated, she doesn't have a choice!

I WATCH STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS AT DISNEY+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/star-wars-the-clone-wars/1wYXzjabXGVZ




I know violence bad and everything but I can't help it, the Mandalorian warriors are cool. Duchess Saltine would not be pleased but I find them fascinating, and I mean come on, they have jet packs. I also feel like were definitely not getting the whole story here with regards to there exile. Also it's an Obi-Wan episode which is always great.

Joel Miller

The Darkblade is a lightsaber created by Tarre Vizla. He is the ancestor of Pre Vizla, the leader of Death Watch. According to legend, whoever welds the Darksaber is the true ruler of Mandalore and can control the Mandalorian army.


Damn, they used armour that actually works. We should have thought of that.