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Okay, I looked into the chronological order vs. the aired order of SW The Clone Wars... I think I prefer the chronological, so we'll go with that, but the premise of bringing Eminence in during the viewing remains.

We'll pause after "S3E22 Wookiee Hunt" to watch Eminence, then go on to finish SW. The only thing missing, of course, would be the feature length production because, as you guys know, I'm really uncomfortable with movie reactions.

I think this way will work best. 😊



Oh for the movie you can just do your final thoughts on it, short video on what you think about the relationships


You should still check out the movie on you're own time. It introduces you to a couple of characters. Including a particular one that I believe will be you're favorite.

J Johnson

Worth checking out the movie as I believe it released before the series and introduces some of the characters that star in the show, no need for a reaction on it. Won't be a disaster if you miss it but good for context.


The movie is really three episodes stitched together as one long episode, but the individual episodes aren’t available on their own. If possible I’d be ok with you breaking the movie up into three episodes/parts, but it’s the first introduction of a major character so it’s pretty important. I understand if you watch it on your own, but I would really like to see at least some of your reaction to it


Let's go! I enjoy that you found a way to fit both in. I was always into Star Wars as a kid, mostly the Prequels. So this show was always up my alley, but never watch a lot of it when it was on air cause I would miss a few and get confused as to what was happening. It wasn't until it was on Disney+ that I was able to watch the whole thing. The highlight of this show for me was definitely the clones. Hope you enjoy your time!


VERY GOOD CALL, watching in release order gave me a headache.

Peter Milligan

I can't say I mind too much - the movie isn't great tbh. Also chronological order makes much more sense, I was so confused watching the release order sometimes about where we were on the timeline.

Lewd Angel

Glad we're doing chronological, the release order gave me brain damage levels of confusion. I do wish we'd see a cut up version or at least get thoughts on the movie tho, since it kinda introduces a critical character that you're not gonna know why they're around at all without seeing it first. On that similar topic, i do think a discussion on how to better go through longer media might be a good idea. Not full 2-3 hour movies mind you, but even at the shows we're gonna be catching up on more and more often we're getting either long specials or outright movies that heavily tie in or just continue the plot outright. Dr Stone is a good example, where you'll absolutely have to see the 50-something minute OVA before moving on to S3, as S3 E1 straight up continues off of the final moments of the OVA, and introduces a critical character. I think Goblin Slayer is in a similar situation. I suppose in the case of clone wars, it'd be more difficult since i think its prelude movie is an hour and a half? Still a bit of a bummer though

Anime Wulf

I've always been curious with the movie reactions, why don't you just break them down into parts like with the longer VTuber videos? I would think it would make for more content and also help to avoid things like going over time in your daily schedule and allow for more time to mitigate things like copyright. Naturally though, what happened with vimeo was very unfortunate and to see something similar happen to mega would not be good. But if mega really did want to crack down on it like vimeo did, I would think that all your videos on there would already go down hard at the rate of where they're already at just like with vimeo. Having played with mega for my own youtube content (mainly doing anime music reactions and some anime movie reactions), I can definitely confirm that nothing gets removed for any of the music or the movies in terms of copyright (even without them being cut down into parts) right now. So, I've always been curious as to exactly what it is that seems to be bothering you when it comes down to both movies and the anime music, as again from personal experience none of that has been an issue for me on mega, and if mega did want to crack down, I would think they'd be able to identify just the animation like what content ID on youtube already does.

Anime Wulf

Or I even think that by throwing movie reactions on the $10 tier would incentivize many people to upgrade their pledges. And could even just do them like once every 2 weeks on a Saturday or something.

Joel Miller

The movie you can skip. You won’t be missing a single whole lot outside of the introduction of a couple characters.


I don't stay away from movies because they're not profitable enough. I don't do them because of extra considerations of Fair Use within the way the Fair Use doctrine is written... And MEGA has absolutely nothing to do with it. It would be copyright claims here at Patreon, which you just recently saw, is a VERY real possibility... I've gone over the reasons why I have trepidation about movies a number of times, and honestly don't have the energy for the long explanation again, but suffice to say, I will never be comfortable with them, even in cases where I might make an exception. I would never not post a specific type of content here because I want you guys to pay more for it. It is simply a matter of doing my best to protect the existence of The GOOSH.


oh nice, I like both series, it's a shame we can't do the film since it's basically the series pilot, I'd definitely suggest maybe seeing it yourself first or finding some sort of summary of it though.

Anime Wulf

Alright, makes sense to me. Appreciate the response on it, very respectable of you. :)

Charlie baker

I dunno i guess maybe its just me but i do kinda like the anthology vibe of auring order more lol