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Wow, things are really starting to amp up now! Yukito/Yue has his strength back and will need it to protect Sakura!




I honestly really love this episode, the moments at the end between Toya and Yukito and Yue are great for their characters plus Yue comforting Sakura is good to see after how antagonistic he was when they first met. From this point on each episode is pretty important to the story and characters. OK so I'll say it out right in case you haven't caught on yet lol, Toya and Yukito love each other, there's a reason they're so close together always, even if it means losing his powers he can't let Yukito die, that's why if you remember way back in the series Toya rejected that girl, and why Mizuki senses said that Toya would find someone else one day when she broke up with him. The manga may be a bit more obvious about it but the anime doesn't hide it either lol, there's a lot of guy characters in shojo.


Yea, this episode really started giving me that impression... It's cool, but it sucks for Sakura and her crush on Yukito! 😁