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To say we get off to an unsettling, disturbing beginning in Goblin Slayer would be an all-time understatement!

I WATCH GOBLIN SLAYER AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6VDMN306/goblin-slayer 




I probably should find the amount of hentai that this particular scene inspired disturbing....but it doesn't even register near the top of fucked up stuff I've seen over the years..... rewatching globulin slayor is gonna be fun, been too long since I watched this. the next few weeks are gonna be fun (I only watch reactions to shows that I already watched or know very well....so many of your reactions are still on my to do list).


Goblin Slayer is a pretty good series, I read the manga adaptation a while ago (Goblin Slayer started as light novels then had a manga and anime adaptation), I should get back to the manga later. It's not Berserk levels of dark, but it's still kind of brutal at times, you might have noticed this already, but none of the characters have proper names, they're all referred to by what they are, Goblin Slayer, Priestess, guild girl, because the series is inspired by D&D, so it should be easy for you to remember everyone's names lol.


Oh you had no idea lad the controversy this first episode had as a whole with that particular scene. 😆 Almost got the anime cancelled. Oh this is going to be fun. This series will be perfect for you with names because, fun fact, there's no names here. Just titles .

Lewd Angel

This was a wild thing to witness when it first came out, Twitter lost their marbles, as expected. Im glad we're getting into it though, its been a while since i've seen the show. On another note, its not that the Priestess' Heal didn't work, its that even though the wound closed, the poison still wrecked the little wizards insides. Its the cost of not coming prepared, the dude was technically not wrong, goblins aren't much to deal with, but when you're on their turf you gotta know what you're doing.

Phillip Ribbink

This job does a great job of not making you not feel guilty for the bad guys. Right from the first episode they establish how evil they are. So you can watch Goblin Slayer slaughter them in increasingly creative and brutal ways, without any qualms. Also Goblins are a classic D&D Monster and it isn't unheard of for a group of 1st Level characters (the equivalent of Porcelain ranks here) to get killed by a pack of them. Because the Dungeon Master thinks it'll be an easy first quest for them.

Sean PaulT60

As dark as the episode (and anime as a whole) is this beginning was a neat (is that the right word?) subversion of the fantasy trope as we start with a bright and energetic group of adventurers going on a "fun" quest going after GOBLINS who are generally weak level 1 enemies in JRPG's. Only for half the team including the spuncky leader with the sword who some might have assumed is the main character if this was the standard fantasy anime. To get killed and the other half (really one but whatever) to get fucked (disturbingly literally). Then we get the real MC who comes in with his stoic personality and brutal but ultimately logical tactics to employ against the GOBLINS who saves the day. Mostly most of the party is dead so it's not all sunshine's and rainbows yet. Side note: Curtis you should know the correct way to spell GOBLINS is in all CAPS no exceptions!


Goblin Slayer is an AT-X show and got never almost canceled, cause it did not catch enough attention of any parents-organizations(and Uyoku dantai aka right-wing groups didn't care). And the biggest controversy were actually the Berserk comparisons, especially the claims that Berserk would've the same pointless gratuitous rape for nothing else than shock value and Hentai aesthetics(which simply isn't true).

Mighty Snake

I remember when this was first coming out and I really liked the fighter girl because that's kinda my type for anime girls, and then they did her real dirty, and I was on board instantly for the goblin slaying ("You son of a bitch I'm in"). Additionally, it's interesting to me because when I first watched this show I hadn't played dnd at that point but now I've been playing for several years and understand some of the mechanics way better. It's interesting because when I first started out we played a lot like the porcelain squad where we just assumed it would work out and that ended up costing us a party member (glossing over the fact that technically I killed him because I thought it would be funny, and it was). But now we play a lot like goblin slayer where we are ruthlessly efficient to kill as many creatures as fast as we can so we don't die. On that note actually, have you ever (or ever considered) playing dnd? I feel like you would enjoy it. You could probably even turn it into a goosh event and have people run one shot adventures for you.

Sean PaulT60

Here's something I remember that some anime channels talked about (I'm not sure how accurate this is since it's info that has been floating at the back of my mind, but someone might correct me if I'm wrong) is that when the first episode aired it did not receive a early episode warning of the graphic content in the episode. Like no warning, first time watchers were in for a surprise when half the party gets killed and the second to last party member gets ***** on screen. (Can anyone confirm if this was a thing? I don't wanna act like this is 100% fact until someone says it is or is not)


I haven’t played - I don’t have the time to invest - but Brax had been way into it. He used to DM for a group in college


I can't speak for everyone, but, from what i remember, pretty much yeah. I remember the episode first airing and so many people being absolutely shocked/outraged/confused by it, because they didn't know what to expect.

The Gimpster 101

Oh ya Goblin Slayer can be a bit brutal and nasty at times, figured I'd warn you ahead of time....you can thank me later.


I'm surprised no one brought this up yet, but it's a shame they couldn't really get more into the backstories of the first group. it's understandable, as they only have so much time to work with for the show, but the original group each had a bit of background given to them before stuff happened. like how warrior and fighter grew up together and fighter learned her fighting skills from her dead dad, or how wizard was shown to be considered a genius at her old magic academy and was able to pick up new skills very easily and how she earned her first wand. made what happened to all of them just that tiny little bit worse, as they felt just a bit closer to the reader.

Daniel Gonzalez

So I actually picked up the Light Novel series on a whim because the character on the cover looked cute and a story about someone slaying goblins sounded different so I was pretty shocked on how the 1st volume turned out specifically the events of this episode definitely not what I thought by the cute female design's now I just fear n for our party all the time fuckin goblins are out to get them