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I know the earthquake is the major concern right now, but because of that first impression, the most important thing is to kill Blondie!

I WATCH GATE AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gate-ce311a68-cf4d-417c-902d-a188af25a6b0




and so you met everyones favorite bitchboi....

Some guy named Chris

Oh yeah, that guy… Being a little rough in bed is one thing, but that’s more than that. But if there’s anyone who can give that douche nozzle a spanking it’s the green men.

Mighty Snake

Yeah introducing my most hated character in this show. I'm also a bit more biased because Tyuule (the bunnygirl he was abusing) is my personal waifu for this show, she was one of the first girls I ever actually considered a waifu and she's how I got into bunnygirls to start with. I would bury the prince under ground in time for the earthquake if I could.

Lewd Angel

I was almost going to correct you on mistaking some serious (albeit in her case, literal) slave sex play for actual torture, buuut whatever gets your rocks off to hate bitchface mcblondecunt more, i am fully supportive of!


Okay, you can't be serious on this one... You thought the disturbing imagery of him forcefully ramming her from behind, coupled with his assertion that she would never be able to satisfy him was too subtle to ascertain that he was sexually abusing her?! Or you just don't think this type of sexual abuse rises to the level of actual torture?... I mean, I know you search for stuff that you feel I miss all the time and want to challenge every take that that doesn't match yours, but this one was such a stretch it was borderline bizarre! 😂

Lewd Angel

I thought the inclusion of Bitchfafe Mcblondecunt would be enough to tell it apart, tho i guess that wasn't sarcasticLly obvious enough lmao