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Things have certainly popped off in a very dark manner! I've grown a lot more appreciation for Summer, though!

I WATCH RICK and MORTY AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/watch/ea0def9a-afa3-4371-b126-964e1c6bea89



Freddy Jimenez

Now that you’re this far in, you should check out this video. Ya I Yugi va Rick in a duel https://youtu.be/RLHPeh4YtMs


TBH i have no pity towards Morty in this episode Cronenburg Jerry, caveman Jerry for you lad, has every right to absolutely hate our Morty. Morty coming back and acting as if nothing has happened with that Jerry just is the icing on the top. That's why it sucked when prime Rick killed him. Would have liked to see how the story going forward would have happened with him still here. But lad, that Jerry is not the most powerful Jerry in the whole Rick and Morty multiverse, there is another who is THE most powerful Jerry ever, stronger than Rick even but that is a story for another time. Hopefully he makes an appearance but who knows

Florian Krause

Rick Prime has entered the stage.


I do love how they bring back in the most inane seeming moments, at the jerryboree (day care for jerry) Morty didn't have a ticket for his jerry so the ricks just swap them. It is never confirmed until this episode that actually Morty got the wrong Jerry.


Yeah the fact it's confirmed they mixed up Jerries at the Jerryboree is hilarious 😂

Brqndvn Evcns

the private minecraft server Rick is known as "Rick Prime". one interesting thing i noticed about Rick Prime is he seems significantly sober compared to our Rick.

White Lightning

We've seen how much of an asshole our C-137 Rick is and he continues to surprise us. I don't know who could beat a Rick that is even more Rick than our Rick.

Brother E

IMO I think C-137 Rick killed his own family. Seems like whenever our Rick and Prime Rick meet face to face, our Rick will attempt to kill him, but it will backfire and result in the bomb falling into a portal that ultimately kills his Wife and child Beth. This seems like a build up that’s undoubtedly end up biting C-137 Rick in the ass. He’s going realize that he’s the cause of his own misfortunes.

Jameson Moore

First time watching season six is going to be here with you.


"Oh so thats what the possums are after" I busted out laughing so hard at that XD Also Summer as X-23 fuck yeah!


I love that the only person in the multiverse we've seen harm prime rick is freaking Jerry! Shame he's dead though, could have been cool to have him interact with the beths or jerry lol