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Damn, what a brutal, but insanely well executed, finish to a brutal, brilliant show!

I WATCH CYBERPUNK EDGERUNNERS AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/81054853



J Johnson

Yep, great series, Trigger definitely delivered. After this series released the game devs put some of the series items in game. One of them is Rebecca's shotgun, you can find it near the location where she was killed. A lot of players took it and then used it to kill Adam Smasher as he's a boss you fight.

Harry Jones

Still can't believe this is only 10 episodes. Gotta say it does a great job of being an ad for the game while telling it's own clear and concise story. So fun fact, the bar called "afterlife" which we see very briefly in an earlier episode, which in the game, has drinks that you can buy, named after legends in the city. One of the drinks on this very short list is "the david martinez". For a long time people were making lore videos and theories as to who he was, as all the others were known quantities from various cyberpunk media. The key point being that you need to die in a legendary way to make the list.

Miklar Sihn

This is what happens when you meet up with the real big boys in the setting. Adam Smasher is what happens when you make a body out of Mil Spec Chrome and put it on a legit psychopath. Just a bit of lore on the dude. Before going full borg he was a psychopathic runner/mercenary who only took jobs where he could ensure a high deathtoll and he did not accept jobs where he would get less cash if he killed innocents. During one of these jobs, he got hit by a rocketlauncher and Arasaka rebuilt him as a full borg. He is now their personal kill bot, he still likes high bodycounts. There is a theory that the reason he hasnt changed is that he was a psychopath before ever going cyberpsycho. But no matter what, he seems to ignore cyberpsychosis.

Phillip Ribbink

I don't imagine they'll make a second season, Studio Trigger generally doesn't make second seasons. And me personally, I wouldn't want them to make a sequel to this particular story of David and Lucy. They'd muck up something that as far as I'm concerned is already perfect. If they were to do a second season it'd have to be an anthology. The second season focusing on a different group of characters, different story, same setting. The problem is that it'd be hard to create a set of characters the audience likes as much as they liked this crew. You almost don't want them to attempt it.


There's a very big debate online as to Lucy's fate on the moon, specifically about why she raised her arms; and whether or not it was an attempt at suicide by removing her helmet or if she was just basking in the sunlight As dark as it is I may have to lean to the Former, David and the edgerunners were really all Lucy had in life and I don't see her as the type of character to continue on in that kind of hell


Favorite anime of last year. He's only in one episode, but my God does Adam Smasher make a massive fucking impression. Apparently the modulator they used for his voice is the same one they used for Kylo Ren, only I think it sounds way more fucking intimidating in Adam's case.


Disney can’t do star wars right but that’s cool that they use the same voice modular

Miklar Sihn

I agree, i dont think you could set another story in this world under the name edgerunners without it feeling too close to the story of these guys. This story really does tell the story of cyberpunks in this setting and the thematic overlap of another story would be too large. Now making another show in the same world could be a ton of fun. Maybe something focused on the corps or even a story from the Metal War.

Hunter Gordon

This was the most cyberpunk way to end the show, to quote the game regarding happy endings, “Here, for folks like us? Wrong city, Wrong people.”


I dunno if you caught it or not, but the fact that Adam Smasher actually offered David the chance to live on as a construct (meaning they'd download his consciousness and put him into a different body, most likely robotic) is HUGE. Smasher isn't the sort to give two shits about ANYBODY, so that he'd even think to offer David this chance, then actually be a little bummed when he refuses, is unheard of.


Rebecca, Kiwi and David all Dying in the same episode was heartbreaking. Becca was the death that broke me more. Becca stayed 100% Loyal to the crew no matter the situation.


I think they could do another season with another set of characters if they focused on a different background entirely. In the CP2077 game you can pick from 3 different starting paths being Street Kid, Nomad, or Corpo. Unfortunately in the game the different paths don't have really any influence on your playthrough. But I would say S1 built on the street kid background perfectly and the following seasons could focus on characters from the other 2 paths if they decided to do that. But like you said Trigger isn't known for multiple seasons so this would be unlikely but I do like the idea.