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Goddamn, this series was HILARIOUS! What a fun time! Thanks so much to Chandler & BTG for their sponsorship!

I WATCH GHOST STORIES AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/G6MGP0K46/Ghost-Stories



Freddy Jimenez

Btw the VA for Satsuki is Hillary Haag! She’s been in the business for a long time. She’s amazing. Re-watching this reminded me how much I love ADV. Can you believe with a anime and dub like that they went bankrupt? Such a shame. After like 10 yrs they rebranded and became sentai but we missed out on great dubs by them. They were the true pioneers of dubbing. Everything I watch is Sub unless it’s something done by them from yrs ago

Chiriac Marius

this dub will forever be remembered. a true legend in anime history.