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Xiaolang's "fiance" Shows up and she is a little bit edgy!... But she can kick some ass!




nice, this episode was filler, but I thought it was probably a good idea to show it since Meilin sticks around even though she's filler, plus I just like the episode and a number of ones she's in even if she can be a bit annoying at times lol, the previous episode only had like a minute or two with her in it so I skipped it. also, if you don't recognize any of the cards she uses, just assume it's one of the filler ones they added. Also, second and third cousins being betrothed isn't totally uncommon in japan and Asia, at least around that time, it's an old traditions thing involving clan bloodlines and such, it looks like it's being seen as more odd at least now, but I can think of at least a few big anime you've seen were it's happened, typically with characters parents or historical based series.


Yea, I hadn't considered that cultural norms thing. You're right; I've seen that before. It's just such a knee-jerk reaction when I hear "cousins" in this regard to immediately equate it to Alabama-ism! :-D And I also agree on Meiling. Even thought she can obviously be a bit of a pain in the ass, there's something likeable about her, even beyond her ass-kicking ability.