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Wow, this look into Takamura's life was surprising...and a bit distressing, as well.




I don't believe Suguru was being malicious, he may even think he was being kind. It's just that opposing perspectives can make some people unable to understand people who are wholly different from them. He can't escape the world of business and public image and can't understand that it's not in Takamura's nature to be involved in such things. He was trying to help and was unintentionally being an dick about it due to his lack of understanding. To him, that's just how the world works. I think the best he can do is try to support Takamura regardless of his own opinions, which he actually does, even if he's still shit at it ;) Bit of a rant here, but I've experienced similar things from people who don't understand video games or that some people aren't aiming for a "career" in their life, instead enjoying financial stability and free time more than work^^


I think there may be some truth to that, but I don't believe at all he was being "kind". I think his condescension was entirely purposeful. While he doesn't understand his brother's lifestyle and choices, I think he clearly feels superior, and while he likely does think he'd be doing him a favor by "taking him in", he's most definitely got an elitist, arrogant attitude.


Suguru's smug, but at least he showed up and acknowledged what Takamura's done, Papa Takamura must be a real douche if he can't even do that. I wonder if he was similarly dismissive of Suguru's rugby games.

Hee Chungboi

Suguru was a dick about it regardless, he aint really a great older brother but eh at least he poked Takamura enough mentally to get extra motivation, but yeah a dick still haha