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This was insanely brutal to get through, but so worth it at the end when Tomoya finally had his needed epiphany!

I WATCH CLANNAD AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GRKE3X99R/Clannad




Tomoya embracing Ushio reminded me of a DBZ scene that also destroyed you: "Trunks, you are my only son, and yet I haven't held you once since you were a baby, have I?" Once again, it's sad to see a man who's just realized how much he had missed by avoiding close relationship with his child.


Even more parallels. Let me continue. During one day of those five years my granddaughter fell ill. We didn't know we what even happened, she just collapsed so we had to rush her to the hospital. Where even there the doctors were baffled on why her heart rate was so slow and her body so weak. Somehow my son in law found out and came rushing to the hospital to be with his daughter. The thing is when he got there he was completely drunk and demanding to see her, he was making a scene is what I'm trying to say. I remember getting so mad that I went to him and dragged his ass to the parking lot. He was mad at me but I remember shutting his ranting by punching him straight on the face. He looked at me in shock bug I still remember very clearly what I said to him. As and I qoute "you better get your shit together for your daughter!! I know how you must feel right now, but drowning yourself in alcohol is not the way when you have a child to look after. I am her father how do you think I felt! But I knew I had to move on for my granddaughter sake and my own! So clean up yourself and be the parent you need to be for her!" He looked at me in shock but then broke down in tears and was apologizing to me. I said "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to" After that he went running straight to my granddaughter room and was apologizing to her by her beside while me and my wife just looked on. More tomorrow Thank you

Andy Plays All Night

The ost during the conversation with the grandmother was so good. The conversation between the grandmother and Tomoya also hit on a personal level for me. Then the bit with Ushio afterwards and the music there as well. Such a 1-2 combo 😭

Max Starr

How many KOs do you get per match? Just one? Then did someone jump me on the way home from the ring? 'Cause I'm unconscious again...


my tears can't stop again ;(

Schmul Sjifris

Yeah, I couldnt see the screen through my tears... This episode hits me really really hard...


"First present from Daddy" Gets me every goddamned time.


Oooooh I saw Curtis sniffling 😏. We almost broke him bois lmaooo. Soon we will break you. Soon...