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I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation to the GOOSHER 100 gang - past and present - for all the truly great stuff they’ve sponsored for us!!

Thanks to you guys, we’ve all had the opportunity to share a lot of laughs, a bunch of solid shots to the feels, and I’ve even occasionally been freaked the fuck out! (Nice Boat!)

I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you all very much! 😊



My respects to the G100 lads for sponsoring the series they have sponsored. Really you young lads are great.

Freddy Jimenez

Glad my picked freaked you out. School days defiantly a anime all its own


It truly is a nice boat, I just had to put it as my display pic :D Whenever I get the chance to hop back onto the G100 boat I definitely will.

Phillip Ribbink

As time goes on I'm certain we'll see many more great series, both through the G100s and the series hosted in our regular lineup.

Charlie baker

Definitely enjoying being part of the club and this community


The cuddling of that head on the boat will stay with my damaged memory for a LONG time! 😂

The Gimpster 101

Mr. Godammit Curtis wrote us a sappy love story?!? Is the world going to end now or what? I’m glad I managed to get a genuine shocked reaction from my series, it’s one of my proud achievements of getting that reaction from our demented ol geezer 😎

Hee Chungboi

For years we have witnessed that dude getting gooshed hard by anime curtis for evey intro. Here's to raising the goosh count for that poor bloke in the intro


You made my day a little brighter just with this post. You're a good man Spaz Dad, entertaining as well. I ask myself sometimes wether I'm going a little too far with the sponsors per month, but in the end of the day, there's no other person that I know works as hard as you do here on their Patreon. You're supposed to be retired, but with all the effort you put in for the community to make sure everyday there's new content even when you're on vacation.. It gives me a sense of appreciation for you, you deserve every cent man. Good on you!


He still hasn’t seen anything yet. He has yet to experience the true horrors of Hinamizawa.


Thanks very much, My Friend! I truly appreciate that!... And damn, the series you've sponsored have had a truly significant impact on me! Going all the way back to Usagi Drop and Kids on the Slope, I've found that all of those shows have become even more hard-hitting to me, the further away from having seen them I get!

Chandler LaDeau

And here's to many more laughs, feels kicks, and freak outs lol. May ye be gooshed upon by sponsors for many years to come (you goosh on us during live streams, it's only fair lol)