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Okay, anyone who thought I wasn't gonna make some stupid, easy joke about this intimidating chick's name hasn't been paying attention!  :-D



Lewd Angel

You made a pun??! Alright, that's it. I'm canceling my subscription forever, I can't believe you'd do something like this. I used to have respect for you, but my faith has well and truly been shattered like glass.


You know your opponent is on another level when they one shot enemy you spend most of your skill pool to defeat (or what the three idiots spent 3 hours to fight minions with no avail)

Phillip Ribbink

Worst Iron Maiden Concert Ever.


I really prefer Glass’ Dub voice, she sounds very condescending and vendictive


In Soviet Russia, Glass shatters you!


In defence of the other heroes (I can't belive, I'm saing this), the all have prior knowlage of a game, that is very simular to this world. It's just that this "boss fight" was one of the things that worked differently from their games (which all had slight differences to one another). And to be fair, it is propably difficult, to tell yourself, you are not in a videgame, when you litteraly constantly have a gaming interface in your feeld of view.^^ Also, as to why the other heroes seemd so incompetent (statwise they are powerful after all). As far as I have understood it, the concespt here is that they have powerful weapons and skills, but they basically only know one way of fighting: "Hit my enemy with my stongest attacks until it dies. Since I have higher stats, it will die before me." And that has worked so far. Naofumi on the other hand is used to having to use his (and his allies) skills and tools wisely and improvinsing. He has a lot of experience, fighting uphill battles, which is entirly new to the other three. And no, I don't like the other heroes either (I don't think there is a person alive, who CAN like the spear hero at this point of the story...), but without these background infos you have no iead, why this lowlevel guy with the "inferior class" is the only competent person in this fight. ;)


You've been waiting the whole series to use that one, haven't you.