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I am REALLY loving the slice of life anime we've seen, and if first impressions turn out accurate, this is gonna be a GREAT one!

I WATCH BARAKAMON AT FUNIMATION: https://www.funimation.com/shows/barakamon/ 



Andy Plays All Night

Glad you loved the first episode! The interactions between Naru and Handa are so good (and the other characters as well) :D Also, if I remember right, not all of the after credits scenes are this short

Freddy Jimenez

This is a good show. Not look typical main stream show but that’s what makes it unique. Definitely underrated


Wow, Barakamon? I wasn't expecting it but MAN am I glad! You see, I actually have a sort of connection to this one. Warning: wall of text incoming ;) I took Japanese lessons all throughout high school (3 years over here) and after the first year our teacher retired. When she did she asked if anyone would be interested in translating some manga to Swedish with her in our free time as a kind of hobby project, to which I and a couple of friends agreed. The manga in question was, of course, the then quite new Barakamon and we kept at it for two years (after that we didn't really have time due to University). Since we were pretty much novices and our teacher didn't speak the best Swedish (she was natively Japanese and didn't have any trouble making herself understood but didn't really have the best grammar) we progressed at a pace that snails would laugh at. As in, we finished about 1.3 volumes in 2 years. As in, even with this being a Goosher 100 series you are likely to move at a MUCH higher pace than we did. But it was a lot of fun and I remember it fondly, and seeing it get animated later on was really neat. So, with that being said I should probably have a few things to point out here each episode. First off, the name. The setting is based on where the mangaka grew up and the rather thick accent the villagers use is the same as what is used there in reality. Barakamon is then pretty much how you would say something like 'Spirited People' in that accent. Junon is a Japanese fashion magazine directed at teenage girls and women. Junon boy (what Naru keeps calling Handa) therefore means the kind of 'pretty boy' that typically shows up in them (just do a Google image search and you'll see what I mean). It's basically like calling someone a Playboy girl, but not quite as extreme. Earlier in a flashback Handa's friend asked if he's really having any fun doing calligraphy with his current attitude, which is why I would like to point out that aside from the given translations (Ease, Comfort and Relief) the kanji he drew towards the end (楽) can also mean just that, Fun. And finally, yes. Naru is indeed adorable to a frankly ridiculous degree :3


Yes! One of my all time favourite anime =D

Excalibur Gaming

This anime is great, probably one of the best non action anime I have watched.