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This looks like the result of a badass Haki!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece




Oh this person... Yeah, they're uhhh... *shudders in fear* I do appreciate Gatz(The commentator); he doesn't really harbor any ill will towards Rebecca and in a way admires her for not caving to all the hatred of the crowd.

Schmul Sjifris

"Not hard to breathe in the country when you know the truth". Does Rebecca know the truth though? I dont think she's given any indication that she does? She was raised by soldier and hate Doflamingo but other than that she's said nothing to imply she knows what actually happened. She hasnt tried to say the people are wrong as far as we've seen. Interesting question🤔 How much did Toy Soldier tell her? How involved is she with the anti-Doflamingo faction? Cant be very involved with them since she's been an imprisoned gladiator for years?


I need to correct you something about what you said at the start there; Senor Pink doesn't choose his followers, "the tramps" just flock to him because he is so hard-boiled!

Schmul Sjifris

Yup! Even told them to get lost, go hang out with younger guys! I'm not into kids! He's just a chickmagnet for them young hot girls. He didn't choose that life, it chose him! Even the male Doffy minions are like "Damn he's so cool! The best thing since sliced bread!" Truly a man all men wish to be and all women wish to be with!


19:02 Does Lucy look a little strange to you? Maybe he just got a haircut to look good for the next round.


I have this theory (have not seen it elsewhere so am claiming it) that Zoro is from a certain island (not gonna name it as it could be seen as a spoiler), and his inner compass is always pointed towards this island. That is why he always get's lost, as he is going toward his home island.