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Filo is SO freakin' cute! But I'm really confused as to why Naofumi has this aggressive suspicion about Melty?!

I WATCH THE RISING OF THE SHIELD HERO AT FUNIMATION: https://www.funimation.com/shows/the-rising-of-the-shield-hero/



Ultra Power

I mean I can’t really say I blame him for not trusting *anyone* in this world-

J Johnson

Melty is obviously not a normal girl given her dress and manners, he assumes she's nobility and he's not exactly had good experiences dealing with nobility. He doesn't want to get involved with anyone who might end up causing him trouble later.


remrmber that Naofumi doesnt plan on staying in this world, if he doesnt keep everyone at arms length then he wouldnt feel right going back to his world if Raphtalia, Filo and anyone else in that world was overly reliant on him, on a subconscious level hes aware of how Raphtalia feels about him which is why he subconsciously chooses to push her away


Yea, I guess that makes sense. His demeanor change just seemed so abrupt, though, it caught me off guard. :-)


I mean Melty's big sis and father have done nothing but cause shit for him. They made the kingdom think he's a rapist, and tried to take Raphtalia away from him. It's kind of understandable that he wouldn't want to trust another member of that family.

Lewd Angel

Naofumi hasn't had the best experiences with high society women since coming to this world, so you can understand why he's so keen on being suspicious towards Melty. I feel like his transformation has somewhat gone under the radar for you, you seemed to have focused more on the fact of how he didn't whine about the things that happened to him, when in reality the entire season is him dealing with the change those events made him go through. Perhaps thats also partially because you're only watch 1-2 episodes a month. Naofumi underwent a drastic change as a person after being backstabbed and accused of attempted rape. Had this not have happened, he would've been your classic hero type, trying to help everyone with no hope of reward ect. Instead he became much darker, brooding and suspicious personality. He's always thinking of what he can gain before helping anyone, and is generally a suspicious douche to most people. This only really stops being in effect once the Wave arrived, as that was a major threat. He was even willing to take on a child slave to fight for him, regardless of how well he treats her, its that action alone that should tell you how much he's changed from the bright and goofy personality he had in episode 1. So naturally, given what kind of experiences he's had with nobility, he'd have that same aggressive suspicion towards Melty, as he can't let himself drop his guard around everyone like he did for Filo and Raphtalia


Another note, now that he knows who the father is, fat chance he'll get paid the rewards she promised him.

Miklar Sihn

That is further strengthened by her specific family ties. She is connected to the 2 people that has screwed him over the most.

Phillip Ribbink

I like how Naofumi's first instinct upon thinking that Filo ate Melty is to destroy the evidence. If he hadn't gone the anti-hero route he very easily could've been a master criminal.

Schmul Sjifris

It wasnt a waifu contest Raphtalia won. She won best female anime character (lead?) of the year 2019 or something along those lines. Not the same as waifuness. That's a whole different type of contest. If we were to bring her into one of those🤔 She might still win.


That time of the month has come, great reactions as always! Unfortunately due to some financial responsibilities(nothing bad) I'll be stepping down from 2 eps a month to 1 ep a month. really blows too I loved being a mega pterodactyl lol


LOL COMPLETELY understandable, My Friend! We all just appreciate you bringing this one to us SO MUCH!!


Spear guy is an idiot, love seeing him kicked by Filo xD


The reason Naoufmi refuses to trust Melty, is because both Myne and her father the king have screwed him over. And of course, being burnt repeatedly by the same family, he's hesitant to trust another of them. As for why he doesn't return Raphtalia's affection? Myne pretty much killed any sexual attraction Naofumi feels.