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I'm really satisfied with the outcome of the finals, but I don't think Tuesday's scumbag mom is done screwing things up yet!

I WATCH CAROLE & TUESDAY AT NETFLIX:  https://www.netflix.com/title/80992137



Some guy named Chris

well, you doubled up in February but yeah basically one a month now, and one more year to go. Angela sees them as rivals, and wants to prove herself against them in a fair way. I can totally respect that. As for the DJ, that was the song they were gonna play for him way back when they first met him...imagine if he didnt have his head up his own ass then and listened, with how it brought him to tears this time. What an ending to the first half, looking forward to next years reactions. these made this year more bearable lol, here's hoping 2021 is better.


It really is awesome that we've had things like this show to use as an escape from the crap that has been 2020! Thanks so much for sponsoring this, My Friend! :-)


Angela's songs are voluntarily generic, because they are written by AIs analyzing what works best. It's just how songwriters today analyze trends and write songs according to those trends. Since AI boy with his glasses there has the best AIs and monitors Angela constantly, he writes songs that are suited for her while still being perfectly generic (but generic in a good way, as in what will appeal to everyone). Carole and Tuesday on the other hand write themselves, at the begging of Mars Brightest the judges were surprised by that. Probably because that's not a good idea considering you can't be good at playing an instrument, singing and writing songs at the same time. But that's why their songs seems to have more "heart".