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I'm REALLY liking their chances now, as long as the sun is in the sky!  :-D

I WATCH 7 DEADLY SINS AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/80050063



J Johnson

Obligatory joke about Escanor being too hot and too big for Melascula to swallow :p




Now Escanor

Ultra Power

I always say Melascula is the hottest commandment. I guess this proves it. 😂

Christopher Johnson

Escanor is my favorite overpowered character of all time. His pride and the way he looks at others are so well developed. I can’t wait to watch you see more of him.


The king has returned.


All things are beneath the sun.




Curtis better not pursue Merlin, Escanor will make him apologize for being born into HIS world!


Brooo let's fucking gooooooo, praise the sun 🌞 🙌 don't care if I'm in peak season gonna stop to watch this.


Yea, I'm a few episodes ahead, and I'm starting to see how my infatuation may end up getting my ass beat! :-D


Escanor shares a voice actor with young Joseph Joestar - another smartass who fights with the power of the sun.


Ten commandments? one morning with escanor and they have to workshop a new name lol


Curtis and melascula had the same reaction to Escanor 😂

Mighty Snake

MVPs for this episode are definitely Jericho and Escanor. Isn't it crazy how Jericho went from seemingly a throwaway character to someone as awesome as she is now?


Escanor - hero name: ALL BRIGHT - Quirk: SUN FOR ALL, the ultimate disciple of Lord Twigo himself


"Isn't this guy supposed to be wildly powerful?" Yup, stronger than Meliodas, in fact. He managed in one hit more than Meliodas in a full blown barrage. And that isn't even Escanor at full power. Though you won't be able to see that until after Ippo at the earliest, since it's S3. Also, at least in this point in time, while you say that they need Diane to fight the commandments, She... kinda doesn't have a chance in hell. I'm not going to say she's weak, but I legitimately think the best she can do at this point is put on some kind of really skimpy outfit and help Elizabeth as cheerleaders. At least than, King will have a second all-powerful spear to poke the commandments with. Maybe she can even bust out the Issei-style 'If you win, I'll go out with you.' so King can utterly molest the commandments. But otherwise, she's way out of her element. It's an unfortunate side effect of her power being really strong, but not versatile enough to do much of anything against people who are just straight up stronger. Ban can steal their power, Gowther can turn them against each other, Merlin is Merlin, and King has the True Spirit Spear to amp his power. And Escanor and Meliodas are strong enough to go toe to toe with them from jump. But she just doesn't have anything for them. Controlling the earth is cool, but that's all it does. And dropping a meteor on someone doesn't matter much if they can just vaporize it. Even in Season 1, Dreyfus was able to overpower her magic, and he's a bit weaker than she is. Sad to say, King's waifu just ain't cut out for this fight at the moment. In the future... well, that would be spoiling.


If there is a more badass character in all of anime than Proud Escanor then I would love to see him.


My God escanor is so powerful that his very soul damages a demon who eats souls. It always amazes me how powerful escanor is. And now you have them all lad. The seven deadly sins

Gabriel Phipps

Escanor is so enjoyable because unlike a good chunk of prideful characters who can’t back up what they say and actively make a situation worse, Escanor can back it up and helps the situation around him.


And the best thing about Escanor is that since he was against Galand Of Truth and didn't turn to stone, everything he said was something he believed from the bottom of his heart, from "I'm hopeless in a fight" to "I'm the one who stands at the pinnacle of all clans".


The difference between arrogance and confidence is ability. You can say whatever you want it you can back it up. A dumbass who brags and gets bodied constantly is hated, but someone who shit talks while his opponents are eating the dirt? A bit more tolerable. Kinda like Madara.


No, you can be rightfully confident without being arrogant

Lewd Angel

What do you mean 'no'? Thats literally what they were saying


Your comment is not completely accurate. Diane is insanely strong but her attacks can also hurt those around her. Dreyfus may have been able to overpower her Ground Gladius but that doesn't mean he would survive the attack she used against Helbram. As a Giant, the battlefield is much larger to her, than a human. She usually has to trade power for accuracy, especially to combo with the other Sins' attacks. The only Sin that can truly fight on her battlefield of Giants, is King with his True Spirit Spear Chastifol.


Fair, though she definitely isn't remotely relevant at this point against the commandments. I'll admit that she definitely isn't weak, and I do think that she wouldn't lose to Dreyfus if there were no other factors in play, but every other sin has at least a chance to do something in this fight, while she just doesn't. And while I can certainly see Dreyfus going down to the attack she used at Vaizel, given the attack he uses at the end of this season, which was able to deal actual damage to a commandment... I can even honestly still see him pulling out the win.


I can agree with that, Dreyfus is a special case among the Holy Knights, his Magical Ability "Break" is extremely powerful. Add to that, Melodias stated that he is a better swordsman than his brother Grandmaster Zaratras, whom Melodias could never beat in a physical fight, claiming that it was "unfair". Using his Magical Ability Break and his swordsmanship, he should be able to exploit the weak points in slightly imperfect attacks and techniques. While he has enough energy to maintain Break, he is basically invincible.