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So, not only is Monet NOT dead, but she just obliterated everything, including herself, to further Doflamingo's goals?!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece



J Johnson

Wish they had built up Monet's character a bit more, it always rings a bit hollow to have a character make some huge sacrifice when we barely knew them. She probably had some complex backstory with Joker and why she's so loyal to him, but we'll never know it.


I can't wait for the next arc, doffy is one of my favorite pirate.


I'd like everyone else to take a moment to appreciate the fact that Franky has no idea what is going on, who those people were or what their purpose is and just knows to attack them. Lol


Baby 5 turns into sword.... I hope zoro gets his hands on her

Lewd Angel

I honestly don't, One Piece tries to do that too often imo, we don't need to know everyones backstory all the time


Oda revealed her backstory in side material. Monet and her sister grew up in a terrible environment but were saved by Joker. That's why they're both extremely loyal to him.


Probably classic "Orochimaru" backstory that has her completely overwhelmed by his presence, leading her to worship him.


All right well here it is, the end of the straw hats lol, from here on its doflamingos story now, baby.


Honestly compared to most back stories on one piece. It's pretty standard

Schmul Sjifris

I would not say that Doffy doesn't give a f*** about anything else. I think that what he's saying to his comrades who will be sacrificed is proof of his care and compassion for them. He apologized and thankes them and said farewell. Is he willing to sacrifice them for his greater good? Yes. But he has no reason to say a single word to Vergo who's gonna die anyways. That is purely because he wants to apologize and thank him. And it's likely the same with Monet, he can make her push the button without his compassion or words of empathy. But he still expresses them because he wants to tell them that. Also, I think one should really note how much devotion Jokers subordinates have. Monet is totally fine with sacrificing herself, smiling doing it. And Vergo was told he's going to be sacrificed, he just smiled at being thanked and doesn't seem to mind. I don't think we have ever actually seen any villain in One Piece with so devoted followers before. Doffy is the first to actually show this level of care and have this level of devotion from his subordinates. Yes, he is still willing to sacrifice them for his greater good. But most villains would just have done it no second thought, no empathy, no remorse. Doffy isn't like that. For example: Spandam, Captain Kuro, Hody, Crocodile, Eneru etc would all happily sacrifice their allies or subordinates without a care in the world. I think this is something to take note of, Doffy is unlike any villain we've had before.

Schmul Sjifris

We have enough knowledge to figure some things out when all is said and then. And most people dont get backstories at all. Kuro, Spandam, Crocodile, Admirals. We dont usually get flashbacks for villains, why would we get one here? Villain flashbacks are usually just to show how evil they are in the first place. Would it be nice with a backstory for Monet? Maybe, but we don't need it. You can go off her circumstances, devotion, way she speaks of and treats him and the way other subordinates treat him to try to figure it out if you want. I don't think she really needs a backstory or at least for one to be laid out. Her words, actions and expressions should be able to give us an idea. That being said I would jump at Monet material if we got any new. I don't think it's necessary but it would most certainly be a welcome treat!

Schmul Sjifris

Answer to Douglas: Monet was as old as a strawhat when Joker saved her. And Doffy is nothing like Orochimaru in the first place. So no, I would not say any Orochimaru style grooming has taken place. Monet was not a child when she met Joker, she just lived with terrible circumstances.

Schmul Sjifris

Man I love Doffy and his crew! (not necessarily all characters in it, but as a whole).


Good analogy. Doffy is someone who earns the loyalty of his followers through devotion instead of fear or greed. The closest to having an antagonist care about their subordinates would be Arlong and to an extent Moria.


I completely agree. He pretty much runs a mafia, with the head/don being above everyone else and expecting them to die for him if necessary, yet still caring about them in his own sociopathic way. I'd say that's the real-world equivalent, anyway.


The most devoted followers in all of one piece have to be the doflamingo family. I'm only sad that monet had to die. I really liked her and wished she had been present for the next arc


Most devoted? You not reading about 9 people in the current arc? Or maybe the straw hats on thriller bark who were all willing to die for Luffy?


I usually watch these videos from least interesting to most interesting to save the best for last. And usually it's One Piece, but today OP was the first on the list. And no matter how good Escanor's entrance is, it unfortunately doesn't compare to see what's Curtis' reaction to Interspecies Reviewers is!


The scene where Doflamingo thanked Vergo. You gotta appreciate Doflamingo. Even though Vergo failed in the end, he apologized and appreciated everything Vergo did for him. "I'm sorry partner, I've known you the longest. Thank you for all your work".


You gotta keep in mind that Doflamingo didn't WANT to kill Monet and Virgo, he just desperately didn't want to lose Caesar. Also the fact that those two feel such a strong devotion to Doflamingo suggests that they share a pretty damned strong bond. It definitely didn't feel like Caesar's style of brainwashing, it almost felt like they were as close to him as Luffy's crew is to him. So question is... why is Caesar and his SAD so important to him that he'd sacrifice two of his own?