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Typically, love triangles are pretty contentious, but this one is definitely more cute than antagonistic!  :-)

I WATCH THE RISING OF THE SHIELD HERO AT FUNIMATION: https://www.funimation.com/shows/the-rising-of-the-shield-hero/




I have a different view of this lad. To me personally it's not a love triangle but just two girls "fighting" for the attention of their "father." Filo is obviously a child but I personaly also see raphtalia as one no matter her looks.

J Johnson

I should point out that Shieldbro doesn't view either of them romantically, more like familial affection. Bitch really did a number on his boner for the opposite sex.


Yea, he states as much. By "romantic triangle" I simply mean a three-way relationship with some elements of romance. :-)


That's bitch Carol fucking Baskin 🤬...I mean the princess

Phillip Ribbink

To be fair Raphtalia was a little kid when Naofumi first got her, so Mom and Dad probably had given her the "when a man and a woman love each other very much a baby is born" talk. But not the talk about the whole lot of in between. Levelling up while helping Naofumi ended up making her grow into a woman. Unfortunately for her she still has a kid's understanding of the world. Probably because she doesn't want to ask her crush, "Where do babies come from?"


Fun fact if no one brought this up yet: Raphtalia won best girl in anime award


Here's where (in my opinion) it all really comes together, I look forward to seeing your next reactions to this!


Thanks so much for sponsoring this, My Friend! I’m really getting into it... I hope to see Myne get slapped around at some point! 😄😄


as a brit theres something weird about hearing an American say the word "slag" 😂😂😂

Schmul Sjifris

Really good observation! I didn't think of that but yes, her education on things would only have gone up to the age of 10-12? Meaning she actually does think you can get pregnant from kissing xD There's no joke there at all


just for the record the spear hero is a good guy hes just really stupid and will do anything that cunt mine says if it means he can get his dick wet, so he aint malicious or anything just a dumbass

Lewd Angel

Well theres a difference between what you see it as, and what the show actually sets it as. And its definitely presented as a love triangle, Filo might have a much more innocent image of it in her head but Raphtalia definitely wants the dick

Daniel Gonzalez

Maybe im not remembering it since its been awhile but i dont recall Filos admiration for Naofumi swinging that way in the LNs and if they did change it im not sure why

Daniel Gonzalez

Maybe he is and maybe he isnt im sure itll become obvious during the show lets just enjoy the reactions ok


he was starting to think motoyasu was malicious which he would know isnt true if he watched daily or had a better memory, i was just reminding him of something he should already knopw before he starts to think something wrong

Schmul Sjifris

I recall you being right. The wanting him to be her mate thing Im pretty sure was only in the anime, in the LNs I dont think Ive seen Filo showing anything in that direction. Raphi clearly has though!

Daniel Gonzalez

Well ill agree with you that Motoyasu definitely comes off more as a dunce than out to get Naofumi and youre right about the length between episodes just some people yknow dont seem to understand if you tell someone what happens thats gonna affect their reaction i mistakenly thought you were one of them my apologies