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Askeladd, you brilliant psycho!! Words can't adequately express how overwhelmed I am by this series!





Curtis literally pulling the surprised Pikachu meme face in the thumbnail there. xD Though I think that was almost everyone's initial reaction upon first viewing this episode haha~


Truly one of the greatest first seasons of all time. And this is just the prologue. Fucking crazy


You haven't met the three characters at the end of the episode yet, that'll be next season. 👍


10/10 thorkells this was an amazing series and a badass finale..im gonna have to pick up the manga


That blew me away! I thought we were in for a long, drawn-out strategic battle between Askeladd and the Sweyn!... Nothing drawn out about that, except Askeladd's sword! :-D


Saved Wales AND Canute. And no, you were not supposed to recognize the final three characters

Brother E

Keep in mind Season 1 is basically the prologue to this story. Although Askeladd isn’t featured in what’s coming the next arc is REALLY amazing stuff. Unfortunately we don’t know when Season 2 will release, watching EPIC shows like this and Attack On Titan make it hard to go back to watching regular “American” television.

Daniel Gonzalez

Couldn't believe how this ended the first time for sure Thorfinn would get to avenge Thors never thought he wouldnt and after all this insanity its only the prologue of this story


Im so glad I caught up in time with your reactions to watch you see this, its been a wild ride and I hope the rumors are true of the second season coming mid 2021!

Phillip Ribbink

Having been a long time reader of the Manga (though not really current on it) I can't wait for you to see the next season. It's a great example of how a storyline can change but still keep you invested in its characters and story.


I always loved and thought it was a more powerful story that Thorfinn never got his revenge. It sets up his character arc to go some interesting places. Not gonna lie, I was chuckling a little internally when you were so sure early on that Thorfinn was going to kill Askeladd. Truly though, we all were bamboozled when first watching/reading this arc. That ending was just them teasing three VERY important characters from later arcs. A treat/tease for manga readers.


I think deep down, Thorfinn wasn’t mad that he didn’t get his revenge but sad that he lost another father. If you think about it Thorfinn spent more time with Askeladd than his own family.


I'm glad you finally watched the series and that you liked it as much as I thought you would! I remember some whiles back mentioning it in a superchat to you about the saddest anime series, the series hits my feels a lot. I think you can see why now.


Well, more likely just one of them next season. I doubt they'll get to the second by the end of next season.

J Johnson

Amazing how the series goes against normal storytelling convention. The main "villain" at least, at the start of the series, ends up as the most well developed and interesting character in the series, and ends up dying in order to protect the future. How often does this happy in storytelling, very rarely.


amazing series ,the wait for season 2 is killing me

Chandler LaDeau

I just can't get over the episode title. "End of the Prologue." It's like the show is saying, "Hey, you know that amazing, phenomenal story you were just told? All the fantastic character arcs that began and were resolved by the end of this season? Yeah, buckle up, that shit wasn't even chapter one. That was all just the set up for the real story"


Did you change your mind on Askeladd then? ahahaha. I bet you never thought that Askeladd's death would get to you like that. I have been waiting for this moment since you were introduced to him initially and hated him. Regardless, Askeladd is one of the best characters ever written. I think this beautifully sums him up. He hated himself for the Viking that he was and so lived his life as the villain but he loved his mother so much that in the end, he chose to die as the hero she yearned for, Lucius Artorius Castus.


Damn... no death to that Floki bastard that paid the mercenary Askeladd to kill Thors. Can Thorfinn even find out? I think everyone that knew is dead besides Floki. Hell Canute or Thorkell don't even know why those two dueled so much let alone that nugget of info. If Thorfinn somehow does will he care anymore about vengeance? Will Thorfinn ever go see his family he abandoned for vengeance for 11+ years? Come on Season 2 I has ta' know. *Chews nails*


Decent first season. Hope they build out the world a little more in season two.


On the 9th next month season 2 comes out.