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It was fascinating seeing these two entirely different, but completely related, situations unfolding at the same time!




Johan Meyer Hector

if it makes you feel any better thorkell would want to be stabbed in neck(in combat) to get into vallhala


So human love is discrimetory becouse we dont love everyone equally, like the sun, the sky, the wind, and the mointains and the earth, intresting, makes sence.


Honestly I found the priest's take interesting but confusing. But overall I feel like we aren't meant to necessarily agree with it. The way I saw it was that Canute didn't agree with the priest and the expectations for love that God seemed to put on mankind - which might explain his rejection of God at the end


Canute just straight up said "fuck you" to god. This is probably a good time to point out that Canute was a real person and wasn't exactly known as "Canute the Crybaby".


Canute just awakened his Conqueror's Haki and brought Bjorn out of his mushroid rage!

Phillip Ribbink

I like the Prince's new philosophy, very Voltairean. "One must cultivate their own garden." This idea that a person must make their own paradise on Earth. Ties in rather nicely with Thorfinn and Leif's Vinland, Askeladd's Avalon and everyone else's Valhalla.


No he didn't disagree with the priest he just made the priest re think what's expected of humans. The priest already began questioning their God. Both him and Canute are upset with how evil the world is and how they're still expected to find solace and redemption leading the priest to believe that mankind can only find true solace in death but now Canutes chosen to create peace and even showed love and mercy to a rampaging beast, something the priest describes as a miracle that a living man would risk his life for the sake of kindness rather than war. This is also why the priest was so shocked to hear about Thors who refused to raise a sword to the people hunting him. (Sorry for the essay I just like this series a lot)


Oh that makes sense tbh and probably is a better way to interpret it - though I still think the idea of the rejection of god remains. Either way the show is so good at opening up a ton of interpretations