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I like Gin, but if he can't think of anything better to do with Rangiku than beat her up, then I have to ding him several respect points!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




it would be a Saturday when you hit us with this cliff hanger.

Daniel Gonzalez

I like to think he plans them out just to mess with us but then wouldn't that also leave Curtis on a cliffhanger

Daniel Gonzalez

So i wonder your expression in the thumbnail is it more distress over Rangiku getting bodied again or more disappointment in Gin who i think you were actually starting to like or more of a 50/50


Knowing what happens to Gin later on, and why he did the things he did, makes this scene betweeen him and Rangiku really sad in retrospect...


11:43 *something about Aizen's boner* -I don't think Aizen has any sort of genitalia in that form...


Yet again Gin trying to save people. Why can't yall see he beats you up because he cares.


Way more Rangiku stress. I made jokes about Gin heading back to my shit list, but there was a glimmer that maybe he wasn’t acting out in true violence. 😊


LOL! I’m slowly starting to get that... (Gin disembowels me) “Damn! That guy truly loves me!!”


Gin kinda has the right idea about Rangiku. He is penetrating her. He’s just using the wrong extending sword.

Florian Krause

still disappointing that he doesn't instanteniously grows one with that sight.

Lewd Angel

Im going to go ahead and guess you didn't remember Gins and Rangikus history til the last moment, if at all xD


Is there any way we can persuade you to release 307 tomorrow ( Sunday ) xD? or 307 and 308 together^^


If Gin would just open his eyes he could see the girls ;) Also I can't believe that Tatski was the only one to note how beautiful Rangiku is


I mean, Don Kanonji is clearly Gay and Keigo already left lol.


Seeing as how I put in REALLY long days for weeks getting everything done ahead of time for vacation, and that would ruin all that effort, probably not. 😄