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How is Ichigo's dramatic development somehow working into Aizen's hands?!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




THIS IS JUST A CLEVER WAY OF RECAPING. still a recap episode tho lol


So what this episode confirms, is that Aizen has literally been reacting to the events of Bleach. That is how he is able to make everything a part of his plan!


The fact that you posted this video... was all part of Aizen's plan. 😎


I forgot about the clip show episode was a thing oh well

Some guy named Chris

Sky-gina, the movie that Hercule Satan was in in DBZA


Ichigo is basically a Pet Project of Aizen, something to keep him busy. 😂


The running joke in the Bleach community is Kubo put himself in the series as Aizen lol.


If any other character claimed what Aizen did this episode, that the plot of the entire series up to this point was directed by him, I would write it off as ludicrous. With Aizen though, it somehow just works.


The "your entire life was part of my plan" reveal gets memed on so hard. Light Yagami has got nothing on Aizen.


Little did you know Ichigo, I was your father’s wingman, that is how you were born. ~ Aizen.


Just so you know Curtis, Aizen isn't being powered up by the Hogyoku, that is his normal strength, in case you thought he was only that strong because of it.


This recap made me think of iconic "lines" from different animes: "Ban-kai!" "Gear 2nd!" "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!" (would have liked to use powering up to Super Saiyan, but that's just yelling) what else there is?


This episode made me realize that Bleach has nowhere near as many flashbacks as say Naruto. This was like the first time we’ve re-seen most of these scenes since like their own episodes.


One line from DBZA came to mind: "Yeah? Well, you know what? F**k power levels! F**k Super Saiyans! AND F**K YOU! SHIN-KIKOHOU!"


Aizen was Lelouch before Lelouch was even a thing. Thinking of every possible scenario for his plan to work. His got brains and the power to back it up. The looks are just a bonus I guess.


That's debatable. Aizen is the villain, so we're just kinda forced to take his word for it that he's masterminded everything since the dawn of time to get Ichigo stronger, whereas we actually see Lelouch make every single move, in detail, since he's the protagonist.


Lelouch is a better antagonist than Aizen, to me Lelouch was better thought out whereas Aizen they just attributed everything to him at the end to make it look more schemey.