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I have absolutely zero idea how Ichigo is supposed to defeat - or even survive - Ulquiorra!




Why did this have to be Saturdays episode!!! Every time Saturday episode is the big cliffhangers!


Damn Ichigo's cosplay of Ace is really good

Dallas Winston

Yoooooo LMAO i love ace dude Fuck you!!! But still great Joke!! That one really left a “Hole” in my heart.


And people tell me ulquiorra was the strongest espada lol fuck out of here.


A lot of people think that just because he has a second release that Ulquiorra automatically becomes the strongest Espada, but I’m in the minority that thinks he's ranked perfectly fine as the 4th (he could probably be 3). I’ll save those thoughts for once you get to see the top 3 fight for obvious spoiler reasons though.


I think he's ranked 2. However, if it really is based of off spiritual pressure, as some have said, then he IS ranked 1.


I think it's important to understand Ichigo's "I know I can't win, but I keep fighting because I HAVE to win" speech; it really shows the core of what his character's all about. Essentially, Ichigo has a complex about protecting everyone he even remotely cares about. Even his name can be translated as "First Guardian" and he's kind of talked about this concept at various points prior to this. It's not wrong to think of this as a form of Main Character Syndrome, but I feel that he takes it a step further than a lot of other Shonen Protagonists do, to the point of near-insanity in the fight against Ulquiorra, as you've seen here. He knows that he has no chance. He's been in enough fights to know when he's outclassed and this is the most outclassed he's ever been (aside from possibly his first encounter with Aizen during the save Rukia arc). He also knows that out of all his allies currently in Hueco Mundo, he's unquestionably the strongest, which means that if he fails then there's nothing stopping Ulquiorra from demolishing everyone else. Ulquiorra's not even the final boss to Ichigo, since he still intends to help save Karakura town after this. I don't think I'd ever describe Ichigo as arrogant, since he's definitely doing all this for a good reason, but the guy just DOES. NOT. QUIT.

Ultra Power

Normally I’d say to get Orihime the hell out, but I think Ichigo needs some quality healing right now- Also funny thing Curtis, when I first read the manga, I actually was hoping Uryu and Orihime would get together for most of it.


Ulquiorra was the target of edgy teeny phase me's wet dreams lol

Daniel Gonzalez

Oof this is rough never like to see my favorite characters get beatdown like this and my god what a beatdown it is also goddamn you Sunday i wanted Monday next not you oh well at least i have something to look forward to now

Florian Krause

so I havent watched bleach, and I only can see him win this fight with some kind of ass pull. in naruto terms an izanami kind of ass pull.

Daniel Gonzalez

So Bleach will always be a favorite of mine yeah its got tons of filler but then you also get moments like this and when Blrach wants to go all out they really go all out everything about this episode was phenomenal especially the music

Daniel Gonzalez

Did anyone else have issues downloading this pretty sure its my internet but thought id ask to be sure it downloaded ok but then when it went to save it said i had insufficient permissions i think i fixed it by restarting my tablet or my router one of thoses things


monday is gonna be nice


Ulquiorra is my favorite character from Bleach hands down my favorite Espada

Dallas Winston

Ulquiorra: Toys with Itchigo, talks down and belittles him Ulquiorra: Sword Release transformation Proceeds to rip Itchigo a new but hole Ulquiorra: So much of a bad ass that he pulls out a second transformation when Itchigo was already losing bad just to prove he’s a Jabroni


"Ah you dirty bastards!" I love Curtis having the same reaction as we all have in many an anime when they end at moments like that. This was definitely a squash match from the beginning. It is in fact debatable whether Ulquiorra was actually the strongest Espada, being the only one to achieve a second release, just being miscategorized because he hid that fact from Aizen. All in all challenging him was like a guinea pig challenging a human.


the best episodes of bleach


I find it funny how so many people say the SS arc is the best and everything else is trash but then ask fans and about 20-30% would say this is there favorite matchup


Just to let you know they announced that there isn't a Sunday anymore so tomorrow its Monday hahaha jk i wish .

Lewd Angel

The Arrancar arc is bar none the best arc in Bleach, best antagonists, best character designs, best abilities, best matchups and a fitting soundtrack to boot. If it weren't for certain things with Aizen which i shall not mention due to spoilers, it'd be damn near perfect.

Lewd Angel

As Curtis is already ahead on these episodes i think i can say this without it being a spoiler (Curtis if you aren't at the end of this fight yet, SPOILERS) but rather than the Izanami, think Nine Tails

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

You could probably tell, but theres a lot of debate over whether Ulquiorra's ability to perform a second release makes him the strongest espada or not


I like the debate, I'm on Ullquiora's side. At this point he's the only one to achieve this form. Sure some others learning as well way later on (after the manga ends) but currently I think he could beat any of the others if he went all out.


Monday's episode is gonna be litter than a tiki torch inside of a Hawaiin Island Volcano.


RIP ichigo. Good run gg. Game over, start again?