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Luffy standing there, straw hat over heart, was a visually stunning moment, up there with Zoro's "nothing happened"!  

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




It truly is!


The New World. A sea so miserable that it makes the first half of the Grand Line a paradise in comparison. Should be a grand old time.


Aokiji's always been the chillest admiral. Not stoner-chill, but actually chill. Remember how he was introduced^^ And he didn't capture the straw hats, or even Robin in Water 7. Kizaru wouldn't be so nice, no matter how chill he seems, and Akainu would of course kill them all, that's just who he is.

Lewd Angel

Yeah its why he completely dwarfs Kizaru, and without saying Akainu as my favorite Admiral


I got chills all throughout this episode. I remember it was around here that I caught up to One Piece years ago. So that image of seeing Luffy with his hat over his heart is something I always remember.

Jake from SF

Aokiji (real name Kuzan) sneezed because Sengoku was talking about him. In Japan there's a superstition that if someone's talking behind your back they will sneeze once and the person who sneezes will know if it was something good or bad. If they sneeze twice then someone is thinking about them and if they sneeze 3 times then someone is in love with them. If they have many multiple sneezes then they must be catching a cold. Aokiji sneezed once so that indicated that someone (Sengoku in this case) was talking about him.