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Of course, how could he not be successful, what with those Academy Award level acting chops?!

I WATCH DR. STONE AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/GYEXQKJG6/Dr-STONE  



White Lightning

Tarzan was always someone I couldn’t really sympathize with. For someone who complains about the members of the older generation who would look to preserve their power & territorial claim if they were revived I don’t see any path but hypocrisy if he were to get older. He’s literally building his own empire and expanding. He doesn’t seem like the type to just willingly give up his throne just because he’s getting old.

Daniel Gonzalez

Never would've thought i would like Gen as much as i do when we were first meeting him


fun fact lad but the second season of Dr. Stone, yes there is going to be a second season, is going to be called Dr. Stone: Stone Wars just like the title of this episode. Also, I don't know if you noticed but the reason Tsukasa's meatheads called Kinro caveman was because if they themselves look like caveman they were still from the modern world into in the stone world, so for them everyone alive that is not Senku or part of Tukasa' Empire is a caveman. I thought should know lad.


Fun fact about katanas: the reason the Japanese developed the folded steel method for katana manufacturing is because Japanese iron ore is very porous and of fairly poor quality compared to the iron ore found in Europe.


The kudayari that Hyoga uses is a very interesting weapon that is absolutely perfect for the show. It's a normal spear except the user holds a slick shaft containing the spear instead of the spear itself, making it very unwieldy but also extremely fast because the spear isn't slowed down by friction with your hand when you thrust. It also means you can wobble the spear inside of the shaft so that it spins in a circle like he did. When used correctly, this speed and wide area of attack essentially turns it into a machine gun spear that you have no hope of blocking or parrying. The reason it's great for the show is that it represents the antithesis of Senku and science. The kudayari was one of the deadliest weapons in history, but only in the hands of a martial arts genius otherwise it's borderline useless. It is something that stresses skill and requires little technology, to where even if Senku built one it wouldn't matter because he has no one skilled enough to use it. Perfect for Tsukasa's forces who have no technology but do have some of the best trained fighters of the modern age.


Poor Gen, he's such a good teammate but he just exudes untrustworthiness with his personality. In other news, I think this might be a new record for how quickly someone has earned themselves a spot on your shit-list. I'm pretty certain he'll entrench himself more with certain events much later in the series. I'll be more interested to see whether Magma manages to remove himself from said shit-list later on.


Yea, I've been rooting for Half 'n Half to become a trusted member of the team, but like you mentioned, his demeanor raises red flags. :-)


I believe the spear style used by Hyoga is an actual style, although I'm sure it's exaggerated for action.