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I was already onboard with the idea of Talk No Jutsu being cool, but the memories this vid brought back were awesome!  :-)

IN DEFENSE OF TALK NO JUTSU:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH3Sh3hRV-c  




I love the point he makes about the ideals during the first Naruto-Sasuke fight. Why it's important that he HAD to lose the first time around, because his ideology wasn't yet at the place where he could connect to Sasuke-- and then again when Gaara confronts Sasuke at the Summit. That winning in the end isn't about overpowering Sasuke, as brutal as that fight was, but truly, finally connecting with him. There's something just satisfying about seeing it laid out like this, because the outcome of that battle really shook me as a kid. And I think some of that 'Oh my god, the titular character just LOST' feeling has stuck with me to this day.


Well put... There’s a big part of me that wishes these anime series could have been part of my childhood. 😊

Dallas Winston

Yeah I agree that Obito It’s a fascinating character and this video was really well put together! I know you don’t have much time outside your huge work load but there is a great video by the Legendary Swag Kage “leave Obito alone” where he going into depth about the problem people have with his character. He also has a separate video dissecting his character Really good stuff both videos under 20 minutes