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It may seem like a trivial thing, but I can completely understand a sweet treat having this much influence!   :-)

I WATCH DR. STONE AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/GYEXQKJG6/Dr-STONE  



White Lightning

The subtle complexity of Senku’s characterization is amazing. Senku is extremely logical yet kind. He values science which is based entirely around logic & reason yet he’s not a pragmatist who would intentionally throw away a human life to further his own goal of bringing back modern civilization. For him the ends don’t justify any means. Also while he can be persuasive Senku never forces anyone to do anything they choose not to. The fact that his kindness is shown directly through his actions and not his words speaks volumes about his integrity for me. An obvious yet subtle aspect of Senku is that he’s completely void of arrogance. He’s easy to root for because despite possessing a superior intellect he never looks down on or belittles anyone. An extension of this is that Senku by nature never judges a person based on appearance or hearsay but on his first hand experience. That same nonjudgmental nature is something embodied perfectly by Luffy. It makes sense why people gravitate towards them and the friendships they make don’t feel forced or plot oriented. And this was achieved by Doctor Stone from as far back as the first few episodes.


"Senku was... nowhere to be found" is translation I'm used to and imo fits better than "Senku was... gone without a trace" (that would imply he might have been there at some point)


Weird, lads, anybody else didn't get emails for the uploads? I was waiting for the pop up t'day, but my inbox's still empty, had to check manually on the website.


I mean, I'd certainly do just about anything for a bottle of Cola. I actually grew to love Gen's character over time.


Unfortunately, that seems to happen here and there... If it continues, just hit Patreon support with an email. They're usually pretty good about straightening things right out. :-)


Gen said that he was the most superficial man on earth. But it's important to remember that from Kohaku that Gens words hold as much weight as a feather