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I REALLY enjoyed the visuals and the commentary surrounding the return of illuminated nights!

I WATCH DR. STONE AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/GYEXQKJG6/Dr-STONE  




Love how this show puts our advanced world that we take for granted into a nice optimistic perspective


Very true! Things we see as so basic and so simple are devastating once they're no longer available!

Some guy named Chris

The look on the mentalists face in the light always gets me. The others may be impressed, but only someone who knew modern technology could really appreciate how game changing this is.


Alright before I go to bed I gotta say this. Senku has got to be the smartest character in anime history in my humble opinion. To do what he is able to do with equipment that is basically from the stone age is incredible. Alright time to watch this then go to bed 😴


Well chemicists and physicists already confirmed that the reactions and physics in theory is realistic, the yield though is heavily unrealistic. Some of those reactions would maybe produce a few grams of the material he is using in masses


There are a lot of great moments in this series as I'm sure you can guess. But the talk about how we defeated the darkness is one of my favorites.


I'm learning more about science from this anime than I ever learned in school.