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Quality justice system when the accused are not allowed to speak in their own defense and verdicts are reached with basic evidence.

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




Who would you rather live under? Bleach's central 46 Or one piece's world government Choose wisely, though i get the feeling both would execute us all for degeneracy

White Lightning

Gotta feel bad for Tom Petty. He was just in a position where he couldn’t logically defend himself due to the stupid soul society laws and by not knowing the specifics of Aizen’s ability.


It kinda makes you not feel bad knowing Aizen is going to kill Central 46 later.


You already forgot Aizen was puppet master behind Central 46 during Rukia's execution arc, didn't you Curtis? We don't know how far it goes, so I wouldn't be surprised if Aizen manipulated things already 100 year ago.


For all his bad luck, Kisuke was certainly lucky when it cames to having a waifu. Yoruichi is hot, badass and always has your back. And yeah, no one likes Central 46. Killing them is pretty much the one thing everyone thanks Aizen for.

Brother E

Central 46 was always a group of assholes, never liked them and how stuck up they are. Similarly to why I find Head Captain Yamamoto (The Old Guy) annoying since he abides to those same guidelines as Central 46, all of them are just examples of those annoying old people who want to complain about everything and who are just out of touch with reality.

Ruben T. Armstrong

In this case Central 46 is more in line with the real world. In kisuke (or Tom if you will) case the evidence was to overwhelming I hate to make this comparison it's like finding a bunch of kid porn at some ones dwelling and that person saying it wasn't there's you would automatically assume he's lying. In Tom's case position it's worse because he was experimenting with Hollowfication in a way and Aizen could have planted more stuff in said dwelling. Central 46 acted how almost any courts here would have acted because experiments like that in the soul society is super taboo like our real world example I gave you earlier none of that was superficial unfortunately with Aizen and power of complete hypnosis there was no hope in that situation for Tom unfortunately label correctly as a criminal in the eyes of there justice system


Bleach abridged summarizes central 46 in a perfect line "a bunch of old men who have no idea of what they are doing."


I know you and most of everyone hates aizen but I personally find his character fascinating. He's always so calm and suave in every situation he's in. He has allot of charisma for making people follow him. He has a plan for everything he does. He's like an evil version of Lelouch. And his hypnosis powers are just a bonus for him

Daniel Gonzalez

I think hes more of a character you love to hate as opposed to one who is plain just unlikable if that makes any sense


Honestly, in this particular case, Central 46 was pretty on the ball. Kisuke's defense of 'But it was Aizen' is pretty weak when compared to a captain and over a hundred squad members saying that Aizen was still working at the time, and they searched the barracks and found evidence that he was conducting experiments into Hallowfication. It's not a huge stretch to assume he was just making an accusation to cover his ass, And he couldn't even say he was just treating them since the reason he was able to treat them was that he was conducting experiments into Hallowfication in the first place. Even if they'd investigated further, it probably wouldn't have made a difference. Aizen's alibi was flawless, and I'd be shocked if he hadn't made an alibi for Gin. Tousen was probably the one who made the initial claim, saying his squad was attacked by Kisuke and the rest of the squad let him escape to inform the soul society. The only other witnesses are the vizards, who would be killed as hallows before they even had a chance to wake up.

Harry Jones

This is slightly off-topic, but have you done anything different with your uploading? Ever since you switched to Mega, the videos have been extremely laggy and buffer constantly, but that has totally stopped in the last two or three weeks, and they now run perfectly every single day. It could be a number of things that have caused this, but if you did anything different to make this happen, I appreciate it.


Central 46 is textbook traditionalist/classic conservatism (not present day, mind you). Basically put the continuation of the status quo and the law above all else, no matter the reason. Even if Aizen has been found guilty, Urahara and Tessai likely still would’ve as well, for knowing about hollowification and banned spells, even if they used it to save the Vizords. You could see this with Rukia’s execution too. If Rukia hadn’t given Ichigo her powers, at the very least she and ichigo’s family would’ve died. And while it was Aizen masquerading as them, everybody acted like this was normal for C46.


You know...someone should have made spirit smart phone that run on spiritual pressures. Wanna say that would have help the case but 46 might just throw the evidence out anyway


Well, I can't say they operated actually as courts here would do. You are at least offered the opportunity to prove your own innocence and tell your own story. They basically said, "Yea, this evidence is pretty good, so you just shut up and accept your punishment."


"Even if they'd investigated further, it probably wouldn't have made a difference." - Maybe, bu any system of justice that allows for that is, of course, not actually a system of justice. :-)


I compressed them down a bit to make file sizes a bit smaller, but nothing major... I'm just glad it's working well for you. :-)


I can't really agree with the last part. Multiple people brought up that everything about the execution was off. Even the fact that they opted for execution was questioned as unusual by Renji, who as a lieutenant was probably at least a little familiar with how C46 acted. Hitsugaya also commented several times that this wasn't normal, and both Kyoraku and Ukitake had enough misgivings to stop it by force. So no, it was certainly not seen as normal. At least in this episode, while they were undoubtedly too quick to punish, and not quick enough to investigate, they did at least leave both of them alive and in a state where, supposing they were correct, they could be freed and pardoned. Which is a marked improvement from "Immediate death. Vaporize the bitch."


They already did that before the Soul Society Arc, that was how Rukia located Hollows in Karakura Town for Ichigo to kill.