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So when these two met, was it sinister motivations right from the start? We know Clark Kent already had some jealousy issues!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




First Ichigo, then young Byakuya. Pussy cat must like them young.


the 101 at the end was saying "101 years ago" btw


-6:50 Can't really say anything about Russia or North Korea, but I'm pretty sure anywhere is better than USA in prison quality -Minority Report much? -Yeah, that is 'Cuphead' behind the bars..

Daniel Gonzalez

So I don't know why but I kinda like Gin maybe he reminds me of someone but also I saw the sub originally and I'm pretty sure his voice isn't as douchey there because I probably never would've cared for him at all if I heard his smarmy dub voice 1st (btw for comparisons sake I also liked El Capitan in Pans Labyrinth so I could just have shit taste)


What Tom Petty was talking about is actually pretty interesting. It's not really something we think about because of all the battles in the show but with the powers of the shinigami it makes sense that they can't just "retire." If you don't have the duties of a soul reaper anymore but still have the powers and a seemingly immortal life, how easy would it be to cause havoc in the smaller towns of the soul society, let alone if they ended up having rogue shinigami in the human world. Obviously shinigami in this show aren't like what we're used to, but traditionally they're the ones that reap human live and are quite literally grim reapers. The current soul society protecting the humans might be in order to change that, so the maggot's nest makes a lot of sense to prevent them from killing humans.


byakuya changed drastically under the pressure of the clan and as a captain, i would think. he was so ermmmmm normal


Not sure where you got the impression that Aizen was jealous, Curtis. Wary maybe, which makes sense when you have a far-reaching plan to undermine the soul society and someone who's clearly very intelligent and discerning comes into a position of power. And more than anything, I think, he's interested in the new factor Kisuke represents. Aizen is not such a petty person as to be motivated by something like envy.


Aizen has never acted jealous so far this whole time.

Scott Brown

Aizen's FKT thing came off as pretty petty considering he almost certainly could have won without doing what he did. It was a pure spite move.


Young Byakuya is pretty similar to Ichigo, maybe that's why Ichigo seems to get under his skin so much.


He appeared to me to have some issues with Tom Petty’s quick ascension... Plus, I was trying to help you out by making sure you had something about which you could challenge... You’re welcome.


the thing about aizen is... he's not really written to be understandable by the audience or the characters. he is written as a master-manipulator as is played as such. if he sees a thing that he wants to do, he'll do it and he'll use just about any method necessary to obtain it, including deceit and mind-games with others. and this is not like him having a holier-than-thou persona. similar to how kenpachi is a fighter because he enjoys it and has the "instinct" to do it, aizen is the same way but he is drawn to different methods. if i can i would like to call attention to in chapter 213, where grimmjow returns from the real world to los noches after taking a couple arrancar and disobeying aizen. tosen wanted to execute him on the spot for both disobeying and disrespecting aizen. but in an act of benevolence he pardoned grimmjow, yet grimmjow was still disrespected aizen and therefore tosen cuts off his arm, yet when grimmjow goes to fight tosen aizen orders him to stand down as there would no-longer be any reason for grimmjow to be pardoned if he attacked tosen. gin, later on in this chapter comments on how manipulative aizen was in that instance and that gin is the only one who could really get a read on aizen. in that one interaction there 4 perspectives that aizen purposefully used. - from tosen's perspective aizen was geneuinely benevolent and was still the just leader that he joined with all those years ago. - from grimmjow's perspective aizen didn't even care enough about him to step-in and protect him even if tosen did try to kill him. - from the rest of the espada, it demonstrated what happens to those who openly disobey. - From Gin's Perspective and accordin aizen himself, he didn't actually care that grimmjow disobeyed him or lost those 5 arrancar.


Good analogy... To me - and I think this reflects what you wrote - he's a brilliant psychotic. It makes him a fascinating character, and really ominous, particularly with his "chill" demeanor, despite whatever is taking place.


Gin is my fav character for ever and always!


He is definitely the most dangerous Soul Reaper, not even needing to use his Bankai for most opponents. Tousen is weak as fuck. Shinji and Shunsui might be stronger but their Bankais are dangerous, because they are Territories, like Tousen's, and can harm allies.