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Physical fights are one thing, but how does Luffy overcome this type of brutal mental and emotional damage?!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




yay we are about to get luffy's backstory


Wait until you see pinkbeard lol


I love the back story arc coming up.

Mighty Snake

Interestingly the straw hats would probably understand him fairly well, since zoro, nami, robin, franky, brook, chopper, and even usopp have experienced what he is going through.

Miklar Sihn

I was about to make this exact comment, although i also thought about going magenta.


We finally get to see the full Luffy and Ace backstory, including the introduction of a great character.


I gotta say its interesting to see luffy like this, sad but interesting, like we see him over come physical pain time and time again but we never got to see how he would react to emotional and mental pain, and how he would deal with it. I just found that really interesting yknow?


The next episode is filler but it's a crossover with Toriko even if u don't record it u should give it a watch anyway

The Abyssal Drink

1. Stretchy D. Luffy. 2. Will we get to see Ivan again soon? Well he's going back to Kamabakka island and Sanji is on Kamabakka Island. This isn't a spoiler. I figured this out when I first saw the show. It's just remembering and deduction. So yeah, we'll see him when we see sanji.


Although rare, there are some things that hot women and meat just can't make better, hopefully Luffy will pull through.


Oh, I forgot what's next! I remembered the order of happenings wrong...


Ok Im going to say it Jinbe is a god. There it is that's my hot take


Gonna just say it right here and now: Jinbe is the only character in any anime that I actively get excited for whenever he shows up in the show or manga. I swear, every time he shows up I actually call his name out. He's just a fan-freaking-tastic character and his name rolls off the tongue so easily. Also would still kill for a spinoff of One Piece that followed Law's journey. He's probably my favorite out of all the Supernovas other than Luffy (yes, I even like him more than Zoro).


Imagine how Sanji would react to the fact that Luffy was sent to an island full of beautiful women for some R&R to recover.


The reason pirates are goin nuts in the grand line and the new world is that whitebeard lost all of terretories. But the reason outlaws are goin nuts in north,south,east and west blue is becouse whitebeard did the same thing as roger did, confirmed the existance of one piece wich will again create a massive surge of outlaws goin in to sea to become pirates and wreak havoc all over, so thats kinda his fault. Right as the marines basicly have been dealt a huge blow, and cant deal with all the mayhem. That is alsa Why Moria was placed in the barmuda triangle, to roflstomp wannabe weak pirates, so everyone is just gonna come poring in.


The fillers with Ace and Luffy childhood I wouldn’t recommend skipping