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Seeing the respect given to Shanks by all, it really has me fascinated with just how powerful he and his crew are!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  



Brother E

Now that the war is over here is a 60 second recap of all the greatness we just witnessed. https://twitter.com/charlottexavi/status/1283582543997153281?s=21


When you're so badass you stop a war by showing up


Now that the war is over I think we all know what Kizaru is gonna do. He probably had his office set up with joints or a bong


I liked Shanks saying if he saw Luffy he would be breaking their promise to see him only after Luffy became a great pirate. It shows that even after almost 500 episodes Luffy is still a rookie that has much to learn and probably isn't even half as strong as he can be.


Sengoku acquiescing to Shanks is interesting. He says it's because it's Shanks specifically, but we don't really know if it's because Shanks is such a bad ass, or something else. I had completely forgotten about that line and how it was phrased.


I thinkit was a few things that ended the war. 1) The marines took heavy casualties fighting already and none of them were fresh 2) they had already won both Whitebeard and Ace were killed 3) Shanks and his crew are fresh and Shanks and Whitebeard are on par with each other at least both being emperors, and we saw how much it took to bring down Whitebeard so I think Sengoku saw this as the best alternative.


Pirate or Navy, everyone respect Shanks.

J Johnson

Shanks is one of the 4 Emperors, meaning he's in the same league as Whitebeard (whether one of them is stronger or not is up for debate but they're both on similar levels). After the damage the Marines suffered from going up against one Emperor, they certainly don't want to deal with another one right afterwards.


Yea, that's curious to me, too. I don't think Sengoku would so quickly and easily admit being overmatched physically, but since it's Shanks, who knows?

Mighty Snake

for the record, episode 492 is a crossover episode between one piece and toriko so you may actually enjoy watching it


Shanks, the man who is so badass that he when he walks into the middle of a war and says that this shit is over, both sides pick up their toys and go home without even a word of sass.


I think the marines could definitely take on Shanks and his crew, but not at that moment. They had already been through a war that left their hq destroyed and alot of their men dead. Fighting Shanks after all that wouldve been an impossible victory


Just a quick reminder, but Shank's crewmate with the gun and dreads that drew on Blackbeard was Yasopp (Usopp's dad)


Seriously, who is Shanks!? He just shows up, declares the war is over and everyone agrees and goes home. DAMN! (And don't post spoilers in replies)

Miklar Sihn

It is worth mentioning that Whitebeard brought more than his own fleet. So taking down Shanks would not be as hard as taking down Whitebeard and his fleet. I agree that the marines probably wouldnt have been able to do it. But it is still a point worth mentioning.

Miklar Sihn

It is worth looking at the crews we saw here. We have Whitebeard with several ships and crews(though many of the crews there were not Whitebeards). Then we have Shanks and Blackbeard with small elite crews. I like that, it is kinda the same philosophy as we see with Luffy's crew. though we aren't sure of the reason Shanks crew is held together. The difference seems to be in why they are a crew though, as it was made clear that the Blackbeard pirates hold together because they are doing the same job, Luffy does the whole friendship and exploration deal and we have no idea what keeps Shanks crew together.

Miklar Sihn

It is worth mentioning that the marines didnt really loose any important individuals here, only nameless elite troops. The government won this one big time, i might even argue that their victory was greater than blackbeards, as while he did show himself to be a powerhouse and put his crew on the top of the map, they removed an enemy with a fleet and allies in exchange for an enemy that is broadly hated.


So long to my fav arc. One of the rare anime shows where the good guys (pirates in this sense) lose pretty much everything. I'll be honest after this arc ended when I first watched it, I was like well wtf are they gonna do now with Ace and Whitebeard gone haha and how can anything top this arc? But man, Oda is gonna throw you in for a long wild ride!


The awesome thing that this arc shows is just how underprepared Luffy and co were for The Grand Line and how foolish it was of them to think they could enter The New World as they currently are. The Admirals, Doffy, Blackbeard & his crew, Hawkeye, and the two Emperors that we have not met, but have heard of; Kaido(Not sure if the last one has been named yet, so I'll omit their name for now) could all beat Luffy and his crew rather easily. This also isn't just Luffy not winning, this was Luffy being broken physically, mentally, and emotionally. He's going to need to re-evaluate how he wants to approach things. You could pretty much say that this arc was "The Empire Strikes Back" even though this was a pyrrhic victory at best for The Navy. Blackbeard is the only one who can claim a complete and undisputed victory.


shanks saying that he won't see Luffy because it would break the promise of him only seeing him become a great pirate is cool but sad too.

Miklar Sihn

Part of it is that Luffy has to come to Shanks and give the hat back. So that might also be the part that is broken of the promise.


you mean spoilers like the one true god is gonna appear in one piece?


We still don't know why Sengoku ended the war, because the World Government's manpower is enough to take on all the Yonko at once IF all the admirals/warlords are present. Shanks is known as the "peacekeeper" of the 4 emperors so Sengoku must have respected his view of maintaining the status quo in the world.

Gabriel Phipps

Anyone else always get a laugh out of buggy copying shanks “it’s been a while.”

Jake from SF

Oda was pleasantly shocked at how well this arc was received by the fans. Not that he thought it would be bad, by any stretch of the imagination but manga sales and anime sales for One Piece skyrocketed during this time period. I gotta paraphrase but basically what Oda said about Marineford and why he was a bit shocked at how well everyone loved this arc is because in comparison to what he has in store later, this war will look cute in comparison! So, the way I interpreted that . . . if you thought this was an amazing arc.... just wait, this is nothing.


I'm not sure if you remember but shanks once said that blackbeard was the one to give him that freddy kruger claw looking scar on his face and this was before blackbeard got his devilfruit so that's one of the reasons why shanks didn't want ace to pursue blackbeard. He knew blackbeard would be too much for ace.


When I first saw that bar scene with shanks I thought he was cool but I didnt really get why him and his whole crew were laughing. But now that I know how strong shanks actually is, watching him get pushed around by that fodder-ass mountain bandit is actually hilarious

Nate D.

We know pretty clearly that sengoku ended the war because if they fought shanks, it’s be like restarting the war from scratch, good chance they actually lose. The reason why he gave up the burial rights to ace and white beard and said basically “only for you red haired” we don’t really have any idea


Has anyone informed Curtis that Whitebeard is probably based off of Hulk Hogan? Seems like he would have brought that up with the mustache, calling everyone son "like brother", the bandanna, formerly having long blond hair, a few references to running wild, and being the strongest for a long time.