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Kenny gripping his sword with both hands is rather impressive!... Don't you agree, Spoon-Boy?

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




Every other soul reaper: Time to unleash the ultimate zanpaktou technique that takes 10 years to master, BANKAI !!! Kenpachi: I'm gonna use 2 HANDS now.




Had kenpachi bother to learn anykind of sword fighting he would have roflstomped anyone, but never did becouse then he cant enjoy his fights, and he would become like one punch man. If he had used two hands with ichigo the story would have ended right then and there :P


basically this whole fight is "huh, you're still alive?" then Ken decides to use his ultimate move: two hands.

J Johnson

Kenpachi is the only fighter in this series who purposely handicaps himself (wears an energy draining eyepatch, bells in his hair to give away his position, doesn't bother with any actual techniques or special abilities) just in order to enjoy fights more. If he actually learned some secret techniques he'd just walk over pretty much everyone he fought.


I think that because Nel was stronger than Nnoitra that in a way Nnoitra respected Nel deep down. After all, his desire was to fight strong opponents and eventually die fighting one. What pissed off Nnoitra was that Nel wouldn't finish him off. So in a way, Nnoitra wanted her affection I guess, in the sense that Nnoitra is a beast who can only find satisfaction through violence.


It's not so much that I'm sad to see him gone. It's more like, I wish he could have had the death he wanted. It seems like all he wanted in the end was a warrior's death, without any pity, but, even up to the very end, he was being pitied. It's kind of sad.


Never really liked spoon boy. I love how he always calls himself the strongest as number 5.


Anime censorship: The injuries Nnoitra sustained from Kenpachi Zaraki's Kendō attack are portrayed differently in the anime. In the manga, three of his arms are severed and his body is nearly cut in half, whereas in the anime, he only receives a cut through his clothes. (Quote from the wiki, but I do remember the injuries being much worse) Just FYI


Yeah. Sometimes you just have to hate anime censorship!


It's not that he really believes himself to be the strongest. He says this in the Hope's that anyone with the strength to fight him will take him seriously. As we saw in his past Nel showed pity for him and he didn't like this. All he wants is to die in a way that makes him look like a true warrior. Nnoitra's always been my favorite because I just find him the most interesting. His aspect of death is Despair and this is represented in how he's constantly looking to die. Even the shape of his sword is completely different from everyone's in that it has two sets of blades on of which is faced towards himself indicative of how his aim to kill is targeted greatly towards himself


Another interesting thing to take into consideration is that Nnotra didn't kill Nel. He was pissed that she didn't kill him like he wanted and he very easily could've killed her after splitting her head but instead he left her and her two subordinates outside the castle. And honestly probably did her a favor. Otherwise she'd still be an Espada and be Ichigos enemy. This was likely because he thought he would disrespect her the same way she did him but maybe he simply picked up her habit of mercy if just for a moment


Even despite his declaration to kill everyone with one blow


one thing you need to know about hollows, even the stronger ones like spoonboy and old green eyes, is that for most of them there mere existence is suffering, if you're a low level hollow, you're constantly afraid of getting eaten, as a higher level hollow you're constantly afraid of regressing back to being a mindless beast if you ever stopped eating hollows, additionally all hollows are plagued by that eternal hunger that they can never satisfy. spoonboys point is that pity is just adding insult to injury, all he ever wanted was to keep killing until he was killed himself and every time someone kicked his ass and didn't finish him, drove him further and further over the edge from which there's no return.

Miklar Sihn

Since people are making the point of how powerful Kenny is. I will make the point that Yamamoto was kicking his ass using only a normal sword, which is what Kenny normally does. Yamamoto was beating Kenny without using most of his powerset.

Jacob Harmon

Keep in mind, Nnoitora is the highest ranking Espada we've seen potentially go down. This is the biggest win we've had so far!


Since kenpachi didn’t like it, he gave up on learning Kendo and actual sword styles almost immediately, to the benefit of his pride and future enemies. Can you imagine if he had learned proper sword styles? The man is nearly unstoppable when just flailing his sword around. If he also had the technique and know how like say, Mihawk, he probably WOULD be unstoppable.


To be fair, Yamamoto is 1,000+ years old and has a ridiculous amount of Battle experience to go with a body almost as powerful as Kenny's. Don't forget that Kenny killed the previous Squad 11 Captain in one strike, which means Yamamoto is much, much stronger than the Gotei 13.


why did spoon boy have to kill the Vasto Lordes, wanted to see the top hallows