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I gotta admit, I never thought we'd conclude this season beginning to redeem Endeavor... I'm REALLY fascinated by this!

I WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/my-hero-academia/  



Hisoka Morrow

To me, this is the beat fight along with Lemilion vs Overhaul.


Yes! I was so surprised too. I watched this fight like, “wait.... do I like endeavor now....???” It’s crazy, but they do it in such a spectacular way man. Can’t wait to watch this reaction when I get ofd


Same here. absolutely amazing. And the song at the end when he does the prominence burn, simply divine also off topic but I got a hamster yesterday, hes so adorable, I called him wasabi, Bii for short. Edit: I told my friends and mentioned I call him Bii now everyone is calling me "The bii keeper" and that's what my nickname in our group chat is. Lol I actually love that name.


Now the real question is who does Curtis like more? Endeavor or Gentle


Probably my favorite episode, definitely the best season finale by far!


I would love it if u could react to Black clover because its really good IMO and is typically compared to MHA as basically a rival series since they are both new gen shounen jump series


Yeah a lot I get what your saying and a lot of other people do but here's something a fact and that I'd the manga creator received a backlash for giving Endeavor a redemption arc. Also when he was talking about overheating he was basically saying he didnt wanna have a kid with the same disability and he tried multiple times with Natsu, Fuyumi, and another sibling I wont mention by name cause that's a spoiler, until he finally got his perfect child that being Shoto. Another thing was the end credits was deku in a dream and all those people lined up were the previous one for all users. You can tell by seeing All Might's old master there. But that's about all I wanted to cover great reaction cant wait for season 5 and your reaction to it cause take it from a manga reader things are about to get bloody

Christopher Johnson

This episode made Endeavor my second favorite character after Mirio, but I don’t think they’re trying to redeem him as a person. Here we are being shown that regardless of his past, the world needs the new number 1 to be a symbol and this is how he’s doing it. The only scene in this entire anime that I would compare to the powerful just that image of him standing with his fist in the air is when Mirio jumped in front of the bullet for Eri with a smile on his face. I don’t respect endeavor. His past is too much for that. But damn do I love the character he’s become. Also the most underrated scenes in this episode are All Night’s expressions seeing Endeavor in his place. He was so scared that this would be Endeavors last fight and scared that Endeavor was failing to become a symbol but in a single moment he replaced all might. All Might had this amazed look on his face behind the fear and it was 10/10 for how much screen time it had.


I think to put it simply in regards to Endeavor’s character, they’re trying to have him at least atone for his sins. Whether the final result is that he’s redeemed or not depending on how he acts from here on out is what will be the main focus.


Endeavor became my favorite character at this point in the series. I'm a sucker for a good character arc. I'd say it's similar to Sam Rockwell's character in Three Billboards, they aren't being redeemed, necessarily, they're just in a situation that forces them to reflect and grow. It's my favorite type of story honestly.


In fairness, this Nomu is a lot stronger than the other Nomus the heroes faced previously, but it's still pretty scary in itself that they're able to produce even stronger Nomus.

White Lightning

Between the Nomu that All Might fought in Season 1 and this High End one that Endeavor fought it’s scary how the League of Villains can manufacture something strong enough to contend with the strongest heroes. Had there been two or three High Ends at once Endeavor wouldn’t have made it.


Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but I've never had an issue with endeavour. Yeah he hit his wife which is bad, but he did it because his wife had harmed his son by pouring the boiling water on him. The problem was his obsession with surpassing almight stopped him from seeing what he was doing to the family and those around him.


Endeavor's redemption in MHA is really brave thing for the series creator to try honestly, there's not many mainstream series that would try to redeem a character who hit his wife and kid. I'll say this about his redemption attempt, it's not about forgiving Endeavor's past actions or forgetting what he's done, but whether or not you can accept that he can become a better person in the future, the series shows that he genuinely wants to change and make things better so I'm willing to accept it, though to be fair I'm caught up on the manga so that probably helps as well. Also for those who haven't seen the reaction yet, what a stunning and brave choice it was for Curtis to choose Boku no Pico as the next series after MHA lol, it's one we've all been waiting for.


Also I think while it definitely comes off to an extent as an attempt to redeem Endeavour, which leaves a bad taste given his previous actions - I feel like it was more of an attempt to show him looking to change himself for the future, rather than to redeem his past. I don't think we were ever expected to forgive Endeavour for what he did, but I think the metaphor of him burning up the strength-driven nomu (basically his own power crazy past self), can be seen as an attempt to become a new person


I actually understand how Shoto, feels about Endeavor.Since i was little my father was verry unstable, he used to beat me and my mother verry often , refused to work and drink away all the money my mother made, all of these kept on going until i was seven and my mother finally divorced.After that we both moved at her parents home. After that my father tried contact us for 2 years until he gaved up.I really used to hate him, until reached the age of 14, after that,i starded to remember that there were moments when he really showed affection to me and my mother. I've decided to ask her about him, she told me that he had a really shity life before meeting her, she said that she really loved him, but all he did to her and me was just to much for her to bear. Now i don't feel any hatred towards my father, more like i feel sorry for, i really think about seeing him again, but, i am not sure how would i react, beacuse it's been more than 10 years since, i've last seen him. Sorry for my poor english i just feelt like sharing how i feel about these.


I think what makes his character arc so compelling is how polarizing of a charter he has become. You got people who still hate him for his past. You have people rooting for him to be redeemed. You have people who just are sure what to think. Also makes a great discussion for what forgiveness is and what it means to each person.


It's definitely an interesting - and ballsy - storytelling twist to go this route... It has me really interested!


Well put. I think taking this character in this direction opens up for a HUGELY varying degree of acceptance among the fanbase... Ballsy move.


I do have some level of respect for someone who sees his own wrongdoings and legit tries to change. He seems to be doing more then an empty apology but is really trying to live his life in a better way. Can he ever do enough to make things right to the people he hurt? To be honest that’s a question only the people who were hurt can answer. I will say I really do enjoy his arc but the one thing that does irk me a little is that he was really never punished for why he did.


Endeavor's brush with death forces us viewers to ask ourselves "does Endeavor deserve to die for what he did? And if not, then what DOES he need to do to satisfy your (righteous) anger?" The show makes a point to say Endeavor has resolved the most incidents, that he has saved countless people. How many people does Endeavor need to save to compensate for his sins?


I don't think there is a point where we should forget an abusers actions, and I don't think that any of Endeavor's family is morally obligated to forgive him. At the same time, he seems like he genuinely wants to improve himself, and as the worlds #1 I think he needs to. I'll never be able to separate his past actions from his character, but I don't think he deserves hatred to the end of days over them either


All I am going to say is that redemption has literally ZERO to do with social perception of the one seeking redemption. Redemption is about recognizing ones own flaws and wrong doings and doing what one can to change themselves and not act in those ways any longer. Endeavor for a longtime now has been doing so and especially since All Might retired he has hyper focused on how he needs to improve not just as a hero but as a person. You as the viewer don't have to forgive him and in reality no one does. However your forgiveness is not required for Endeavor to be redeemed.


Writing a redemption arc for Endeavor is a REALLY ballsy move, especially considering the author might have received death threats from several people for trying to do this. Here is a reddit link I found regarding this. https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/8yk7jd/tumblr_fans_apparently_sending_death_threats_and/


Yeah (I know this is fiction but in this fictional world) what je has done is really horrible. The obsession and the gap between him and allmivjt drove him to it. So that makes his course of actions understandable but not forgivable


Remember that this is a High End Nomu, so it's a higher level. Endeavor already showed when they were fighting against Stain and All for One that he can mow through ordinary Nomu like they're not even there. Endeavor wasn't implying that overheating was the reason that he kinda went off the deep in. Overheating his own weakness, and that was the reason why he tried so hard to have a 'successor' who could nullify that weakness with his wife's ice powers. The crux of Endeavor is whether you think that it's possible for someone, even an asshole who beat his wife, to become a better person if they make the effort. He was obviously a piece of shit, but he is genuinely making the effort to try and become better. Losing All Might so suddenly just handed him a win he'd spent his entire adult life fighting for and made him realize just how empty that title is, which lead to him actually taking stock of everything he sacrificed to obtain that title. The next time you see him, he's getting advice from All Might to try and be a better hero and giving (in his own way) encouragement to Shoto. Seeing how little Shoto thinks of him reinforces this, leading it his 'I will be become a hero you're proud to call your father' moment. And then this episode came in and he spends the episode fighting for his life against an opponent not unlike himself (Incredibly strong, arrogant, intelligent, always wanting to surpass the strongest, doesn't care what happens to those around it), and facing those parts of himself, he rejects them and burns them to ash, accepting help from Hawks to drag him high enough into the sky that a full release of flames doesn't burn the city to the ground before unleashing holy hell upon him with plus ultra prominence burn. and even with all that, surviving the fall from so high in the air (fun fact, the manga has a hero try and catch him, but the flames are too intense and start burning him before he can even get close.), he still has strength to stand up and send a silent message to the people. He may not be All Might, but he is still the Number 1 hero, and that means protecting everyone with every ounce of power. Endeavor isn't strong enough to become a symbol of peace. But he can at least kindle the fire of hope.


I think it's confirmed that this Nomu is even stronger than the one All Might struggled against in season 1 so it makes sense that Endeavor would have such a hard time against it.


Endeavor is still a piece of shit for what he did to his family. But I believe people have the right to redeem themselves, tho this wasn't enough but if he keep he might win me over


When Endeavor was talking about Overheating, he meant physically. That was why he wanted to make a child like Shoto- his Ice side means he does not have that weakness. In fact we saw the opposite in the sports festival. Shoto refused to use his fire side, and as such he almost gave himself frostbite. If he uses both sides simultaneously, he does not have to worry about overheating or getting frozen.


Not all Nomu are like this one, this one is mostly special, so thats why its so intense. Its the first one that can talk, let alone think, and it was constantly evolving during the fight. And imo, this fight and Endeavor as a whole, i dont think that this was made for us to just like Endeavor, as much as getting us into to the idea that Endeavor might be worth redeeming. This is a good start to that possibility.


Yeah it’s really a tough one and really difficult to navigate. Like you said it takes a lot of balls to even approach that kind of subject. The thing that makes me appreciate the way it’s done is that it’s not uniformly presented as being good or bad. Different characters and members of his family have different opinions on endeavor’s attempt to try and make up for what he did. We saw in this episode, Todoroki’s bro wasn’t really buying any of it, so that’s what makes it for me. If everyone around him suddenly started to treat him like he never did what he did it would be one thing. some of his family will never forgive him, and others are open to see what he tries to do to make up for it. That’s what makes it really interesting to me at least. And we’ll see more of this explored so it’s not like we have to decide now, it’s kind of like endeavor said. “Just watch me”


As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. That's probably the reason ( & rightfully so) you can't get past him beating his wife & kids, those were actions.

Richie Roberts

The thing I like the most about this particular plot point is that Horikoshi lets the readers decide for themselves if they want to forgive Endeavor or not. And even as the story progresses in the manga and they build upon this plot point it still ultimately left up to the reader to change how they feel about Endeavor or not.

Richie Roberts

So were the steps he has taken in the anime and manga to repent. Not saying if I forgive him or not. Just pointing out that these are actions too.

Richie Roberts

Sadly, it's not the first time Horikoshi has received hate mail or death threats for MHA/BNHA.


As much as I would love for you to warm up to Endeavor(pun intended) I don't want you misunderstanding anything about what he did. When he said overheating he meant his quirk but also his temper, he let his anger control him and took it out on his family. It was in his control and he acknowledges that and intends to work on it with his quirk and as a person. Also remember Vegeta from DBZ slaughtered entire planets, he murdered many men, women, and children and had fun doing it which might be worse depending how you see it. And you seem to like him well enough after his redemption arc. I'm not saying that means you should like Endeavor, I just mean characters that have done worse had redemption arcs and few have done worse than Vegeta. I'll understand if even after his redemption arc you still don't like him though.


Endeavor is explored later on in the story and I am a sucker for dads, although he is an asshole. But one of my favorite things to do as Nuxtaku also does is calls Endeavor his favorite which pisses people off so bad it's hilarious. Although My favorite Character it either Mirio Or Shigaraki. I'm, not sure if you'll be able to forgive him but that's fine. I just hope you can appreciate his character.

Lewd Angel

At this point i was pretty open to forgiving Endeavor, simply because of the way he went about it. There was no long Talk no jutsu heartfelt apology and then everyone is expected to accept him scenario. He speaks with his actions, not words and he genuinely regrets what he did and what his temper drove him to. He is given both time and motive to earn his forgiveness, and that speaks volumes. Dunno how it'll work out for you, but he's a great example of a second chance being taken really well


Yeah it's almost nigh-impossible to forgive someone that has abused women and children, BUT I can respect Endeavor for at least trying to right the wrongs of his past.


I like how the redemption is being handled so far. Especially since this is only the first step. Personally I still think he has to do A LOT to even begin making it up to his family. And I've seen certain fans claim that Endeavor has NEVER done anything wrong.... which is flat out untrue. He was an abusive dickhead, if you write off everything he's done till now because you think he's cool now, it's a disservice to the character and writing imo.


It's not surprising there are strong Noumus remember in S1 all might struggled to beat 1 as well. For the most part I was okay with the english dub but this episode in particular was really bad for the translations, sub done a much better job of painting the picture of endeavor trying to be better. For example when he destroys the building top and is conversing with Hawk while he was doing the moon walk the english dub had endeavor say "just deal with it" making him sound more arrogant where as in the sub he says "sorry about that" showing he acknowledged his mistake which the old Endeavor would never do, this episode was filled with these types of mistakees.


It's definitely stronger than that one, but keep in mind that the one from s1 wasn't particularly strong. The biggest issue was that it's quirk hard countered All Might's power and he didn't have the stamina to wear it down. All Might probably wouldn't have struggled with High End, but likewise Endeavor would've absolutely annihalated the first one. "What's that? Shock absorption? I don't think that'll save you from me Cremating you alive!"


The S1 Nomu was only that dangerous because it countered All Might's power. Endeavor would've easily dealt with by incinerating past the point of regen like the other nomu in the hero killer arc. The bigger problem is what that represent. If you can design a nomu to deal with a certain hero, theyre utterly screwed. If one had fireproof and super strength, Endeavor dies no difficulty, for instance.

Daniel Gonzalez

Yeah not to continually harp on it but it's my biggest grievance against most dubs the feel that they need to change something just for the sake of them not wanting to say the exact same as the sub but I'm like it if was perfect the 1st time why change it


Was one of those fans a YouTuber, Who reacts to the anime only, and has a thick accent as well as long blonde hair?


I think there's a "third option" to forgiving or not, to acknowledge that Endeavor recognizes what he did and is trying to be better going forward. Redemption is a journey that never ends, Endeavor is going to have to keep walking this path and he's going to have to accept the shit his kids give him for the past. There's no magic threshold of good deeds to "balance the scales", it's up to each of them how to respond to his efforts.


They kinda tweaked Endeavors dialogue in these 2 episodes for the english dub to make him more of a dick =/

Nate D.

I don’t think it’s an attempt to erase his abuse towards his family, as much as it is trying to convince that he is capable of handling the pressures of being number one, obviously the scar he has now is worse than what happened to todoroki, so that’s interesting, but nothing ever truly erases his family interaction. Like he said to the nomu, his days of abusing others for more power is over, that self is dead and gone, now it’s about proving himself and leading the next generation of heroes and fixing his relationships.


My favorite characters in anime, usually end up being the asshole or antagonist that goes through some kind of redemption arc. For example, Obito is my favorite character in Naruto and Laxus is my favorite character in Fairy Tail. As for my take on the part with Endeavor's flashback to his family and overheating, I think it was him not necessarily trying to rationalize, but since i can't think of the word that's what i'm saying, that everything he did(ie, marrying Shotos mom for her ice quirk, and being rough with his family) to try and push his son to be even better than him. With Shoto having a half hot, half cold quirk, he wouldn't have to worry about his body overheating like Endeavor does and Endeavor always wanted Shoto to surpass him and even All Might.

Ryan McKeon

I read the manga but at this point in time I didn't so much think they we're trying to redeem him with this fight alone it seemed more like this was the moment where Endeavor starts to come into his own as a hero and start to find the path of becoming a better father. They sprinkled some moments here and there throughout season 4 showing that Endeavor was genuinely trying to learn how to become a better hero. For, example when him and All Might talked at the training with todoroki and bakugo. Also the moment after when he talked to shoto and said he was going to do his best to make him proud both as his father and as a hero. I'll tell you right now Endeavor has a long way to go in order to be redeemed but considering this fight I'd say at the very least he is heading in the right direction as both the #1 and as a father. I liked how at the end of the fight he compared himself with the nomu (being obsessed with strength and doing anything to gain it). Then he said "burn up, be at rest." trying to bury his past self so he can begin to move forward to something better. Overall it was a well done episode and a great way to end season 4. Nice reaction big guy its good to be back on the patreon! :)


I'm a pretty strong believer in the idea that the good doesn't erase the bad in a person but also that the bad doesn't erase the good. That is, I like to take people as a whole and not be blinded to any one aspect of them because of another. Combine that with the fact that I'm a firm believer in second chances for those who actively acknowledge and try to right the wrongs and sins of their past, and I was pretty open to Endeavor attempting to redeem himself. At the same time, I don't expect anyone, especially his family, to ever necessarily forgive him for what he did. But that doesn't make his efforts to be better worth any less, and those efforts are worth acknowledging to me.


All I can say in regards to Endeavor's "redemption" without getting spoilery is to remind you to look back to the tournament. Todoroki didn't get over his abuse after one uplifting speech from Midoriya and he's still clearly still not over it. Things like this takes -a lot- of time to heal and can't be fixed with a single act. And Horikoshi is well aware of it. I won't say any more than that as I know you're smart enough to figure out spoilers from scraps of information.

Hisoka Morrow

Don't think anyone mentioned it before, The reason he struggled more than he should is because he also want to catch this High End Nomu alive to get intelligence from it. And all the time he fought with it, he always holding back because of caring for people. But since he feel so sure that he can't let it stay alive just even a little part of its body, so he sent the signal with his flame to Hawk to let him get highest as he can to finished that High End Nomu off. That's why all along the fight this High End Nomu can live longer than it should in front of him.


To be fair there wasn’t blatant contradiction in his thought process as is the case with most “talk no ninjutsu” recipients. The whole point of Naruto pointing those out goes back to him trying to find a way to stop the cycle of hate he promised Nagato he would end. Obvi I mean the later fights. Zabuza and Gaara were beat down before any talking took place.

Marcus L

you going to react to season 5


Who voices the reporter? I recognize her voice, but I can't seem to pinpoint where from. I can't sleep unless I figure this out.