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I feel for Little Red, but Gentle Douche got the beating he needed!

I WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/my-hero-academia/  




I'm sure you'll get a bit of hate for not liking gentle in the end and it's fine your entitled to your own opinion. Personally I like gentle hes my favorite villain but in my opinion he had it rougher then La Brave. 1. He basically did the same thing as Deku when he tried to save bakugo. The heroes just werent as rough as him because no one got seriously hurt. As for Gentle he had to bear the pain of hurting someone in his thoughts. 2. He was mocked cause in the shot of his house outside is written "Tobita Trash" so people hated him even though he was trying to do the right thing cause in that moment he wasnt trying to be famous he simply wanted to save someone and things didnt go good. 3. His parents you can tell just by his mom saying that his friend already had several agencies asking for him instead of telling her own son to keep pushing on and trying his best. You know like how good mom would do but no instead he was criticized by his mom basically her telling him he's not good enough. 4. In the end his own parents kicked him out the house. His mom in a shot was throwing things at him while his dad stood by and did absolutely nothing. 5. In the manga it is said that the bamboo guy who he went to highschool with was his best friend but in the end he had completely forgotten about gentle. 6. *Woah I cant believe I'm still going* in the end gentle didnt wanna kill or hurt anyone cause that's just not how he goes about doing things and also he treated La Brave nicely and with the circles around her eyes he ended up drawing the same black circles around his own eyes to make her feel more comfortable


Damn sorry for how much I wrote but I hope you take these points into consideration 😅 great reaction btw👍🏽


Yea, La Brava is actually 21 one yeas old and Gentle Criminal 32 .In anime appearance doesn't dictate age


What's next after my hero?

Christopher Johnson

I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t like Gentle. I found him to be thoroughly uninteresting. He just felt like another “waaah I can’t cut it as a hero and I was dealt a rough hand”. I don’t hate him or anything, he just fell flat for me as a character.


I really did think you would love gentle... lol when you get back from your trip and you have time maybe you can react to this video explaining gentle character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL-Pkf1uhHo


Guys, I know a lot of you love Gentle. It’s okay that not everyone does. 😄 In the end, I had some empathy for him, but he’s simply not a favorite to me... Truthfully, though, had they structured the scene where Gentle met Little Red to contain some reference to age so I didn’t have the potential creepiness factor continually hanging over like a cloud, it may well have made me more welcoming to him. 😊


Saw an interesting theory about Little Red somewhere: her quirk requires her to have very strong affection for someone in order for it to work, so it's possible that it makes those bonds form more easily than they should. That's why she was so obsessed with that boy who rejected her at the start of her backstory, and became so instantly enamored with Gentle. Also a neat little detail: Gentle noticed the dark circles around her eyes, and drew similar circles on his eyes to match her. And a depressing detail: in Gentle's backstory, his mother's face is always hidden.


I mean deku could have been in his situation too if he had a weak quirk and dropped out of school. Remember that deku also has intervened in Pro hero's business when he was quirk less ie in a less apt position than gentle. Things just turned out different for gentle. Can you really fault someone for not succeeding despite their efforts? They both meant well but things kept going wrong in his life. Who knows what kind of life deku would have if he hadn't met all might? It doesn't excuse what he's done so far but what drove him to it was pure misfortune. But what he has done for the most part is rather inconsequential. But its fine, just saying what I think


Gentle does make an interesting foil for Deku, but the character Gentle reminds me of the most is Stain. They both tried and failed to become heroes, and were both cast out of society for their failures. Afterwards, they both became villains to reform society in their own way. Stain tried purge all of the "corrupt" heroes, and Gentle tried to change the way people saw villians.


Gentle I would have followed you. My brother. My captain. My king. !


Ok it feels like you're purposefully downplaying what actually happened. He not only lost out on his dreams simply because his scores weren't high enough AND accidentally harmed someone he wanted to help, got subsequently labeled a criminal and had his parents pretty much disown him because he couldn't live up to their standards. He wasn't just "dealt a rough card" he lost everything despite only wanting to help others. And even as a villain was still determined to do good by playing as more of an antihero


Interesting to see how you view Gentle Criminal, learning more about you, and how your mind works. More so anything with little kids, especially girls (or just more cases of it being girls), how far it will go and effect thoughts/impressions. Keep up the genuine reactions <3


Honestly, I don't think it's that Gentle isn't good enough. He's clearly very able effectively use his quirk if he is able to fight defensively against Deku. He definitely could've become a good hero. The biggest issue he had, i think, is that he really didn't have anyone pulling for him. The teacher just saw him as a nuisance because of his grades, his parents clearly thought he was a failure and basically disowned him after he made a mistake that, while stupid, was still made out of a desire to save someone from falling to their death. If he had someone wiling to take him under their wing and teach him properly, imagine the hero he could be. He self trained to a point where he can defensively fight Deku, one of the strongest heroes in his year, and his quirk isn't even suitable for combat. Even without La Brava, I strongly believe he can probably take on most of the students in Class A without any trouble.

Matthew B

Gentle was lame.


Gentle had it far worse with a story that mirrors deku but in his case he didn't have help like deku and failed. La brava was just shunted after high school. (She has a diploma on her wall so she may have even finished college if she got out of high-school at 17. Perfect age to live alone and depressed at 21.) You would think people would realize character models don't mean age with all the crazy hair colors and proportions. Mineta is the same age as everyone in his freshman class yet is less than half of everyone's hight. He is the same height as those grade schoolers we saw basically. That doesn't mean he is 12. La Brava was short in schoo too.l she is just short lol.


Getting kicked out of school and society for trying to help someone and being nearly homeless and forgotten >>> getting your heart broken in bullied in HS. One literally ruins your life and your chances of recovery the other lasts 3-4 years with plenty of ways to seek help. Not saying bullying isn't bad its terrible. But if you actually think about it Gentle did the same thing as deku. Try to save someone in danger but instead of All Might coming to help and recognize him. He got a record with the police, ridicule, disowned, forgotten, and near homeless. Meanwhile La Brava graduated and had some form of living being able to live in a room filled with stuff at in her early 20s.


I love Gentle but I get that not everyone has to like him. I rather you give an honest reaction instead of pretending to like him for the audience sake.


Gentle backstory is the worst case scenario of Deku running to the sludge monster to save Bakugo. It just Deku had a better outcome thanks to All Might.

Daniel Gonzalez

I don't think Gentle was trying to change peoples perceptions of Villains he said his dream was to become a hero and someone remembered in History books well the whole incident kinda shut down his path to being a hero but his other dream to be remembered in History books was still available I feel people think Gentle just randomly decided to be a criminal because he couldn't achieve his dream when in reality he's still working at it that book that inspired him again proved it heroes aren't the only ones remembered by history so are Villains


Regardless of anyone’s personal thoughts on Gentle, I will say that I appreciate MHA’s willingness to tackle diverse villains that aren’t always trying to one up each other. It’s cool that the series really tries to ask how a society of superpowers would actually affect the real world. Some people would definitely go for the ultimate power route, but others like Gentle and Destro (if you’ve read the manga) show how people who are otherwise pretty normal deal with having superpowers in a world where it’s commonplace. I feel like that’s a big reason why MHA’s story feels so grounded and realistic despite the more fantastic elements. Great vid as always!

Daniel Gonzalez

Same but it's actually kinda refreshing compared to how some others reacted I saw several who wanted Gentle to succeed and were hating on Deku because he was trying to stop him it was like wth guys what about Eri


I didn’t like Gentle either honestly. This Arc in the manga actually made me stop MHA for a few months solely because I couldn’t take gentle seriously. I think the biggest problem is the placement of his arc timeline wise. I know they just wanted to give a sort of breath of fresh air after the last arc, but to go from such dark, brutal, and grim fights/stories to a goofy dude with a silly quirk and a rough backstory that has probably happened to thousands of other average Joe’s in the world just seems... out of order to me. I feel like if they would have had his arc earlier on in the story, during the more goofy beginning arcs, and maybe have him be the first villain deku fought on his own as a sort of training/introductory villain then his goofiness may have been more charming rather than annoying. With the way it is, all most people can think is Eri needs to smile no matter what and couldn’t really care less about a brand new character who is a certified clown. I will say, however, a lot of people DID enjoy him on their first take, which i think makes him undeniably a good character, just not my “cup of tea” 😜


damn, everyone writing full walls in the comments lol, you do know you can split it in to paragraphs lol


The talk-no-jutsu in this chat is intense lol don't worry i'll help settle this. You're all wrong, Gentle is a middle of the road villain, and it's not bad to either love or hate his character. Now on to the more important stuff like how much do Ms Midnight's tiddies weigh?


Not gonna lie. I'm a little shocked that you disliked Gentle so much. Was it something that specific that you didn't like? I thought for sure you'd be more OK with with him, considering his attempts to do right, his respect for Deku, and his love for La Brava. Anyway, just to clarify, I have NO issue with you disliking Gentle. I'm glad you have a different take than I do, because otherwise the reactions would be boring. I'm just a little baffled by this one. Can't help but feel like it was influenced by something outside of the show. For example, if I were to compare this your take of Zabuza and Haku, it seems a little... out of character for you. I get that you only learned that she was an adult afterwards, but, even trying to see things from that point of view, even if she hadn't been an adult, their relationship was... well, wholesome. He wasn't creepying on her or anything. He was shocked that she approached him, and to hear about what she had done. He gave her a place to stay, never got inappropriate with her, and clearly spent a lot of time trying to cheer her up and open her up to the rest of the world, and at the very end, he did everything he could just to ensure she'd have a bright future regardless of what happened to him. I get the stigma, but if that causes people to reject even loving, wholesome relationships, like THAT, then I can't help but feel we've taken it a little too far.


Outside of the being unclear of the “type” of relationship it was, I simply didn’t care much for his overall demeanor. He was pompous and - to me - kind of annoying with it. A distaste for someone’s personality doesn’t always have to be for deep reasons. 😊


Gentle is an old favorite for me, aside from his doofy demeanor which already gives him extra points over the absolute bore of a villain that was Overhaul his backstory and motivation offers a new perspective on hero society that in the past has only been briefly touched upon before this point, unfortunately, due to significant spoilers I won't be able to talk about most of it here for the sake of spoilers so I will only talk about one thing that directly relates to gentle, what happens when your dreams of heroism are crushed? in the hyper-competitive society of MHA japan everyone is encouraged to pursue their talents so that they can be a great asset to society and at the spearhead of this society is the profession of hero which is held as the pinnacle of what anyone can achieve, nowadays you can only receive recognition as an individual if you are a hero or are in some way in the hero field otherwise you are just some joe schmo, Pro Heroes are constantly being shoved down everyones throats and you can never stop hearing about how awesome they are and its almost like society programs you into wanting that position yourself, and when that dream is out of reach for whatever reason what do you do? do you lie down and die forgotten like Deku was going to do when he finally accepted that he could never be a hero? or do you get back up and become so infamous that your legacy will be written down in the panels of history? Gentle chose the later and not a single part of me can honestly say he was wrong to do so.


I dont remember him being this annoying in the sub. Nor his prized mustache 🤦🏻‍♂️


I in no way mean to discredit your opinion, or say that it's wrong. But tbh it kinda hurts seeing you hate on Gentle so much. imo he's a great and sympathetic character who was shat on by life. And is origin is very similar to Dekus. He wanted to be a hero inspite of the whole world saying he couldn't, and dove in head first to help someone in need. The only differnce is, where the situation solved itself with no major injuries in Deku's case, it very much didnt' for Gentle. If Dekus interfernce in the 2nd episode had resulted in Bakugo getting hurt badly or killed, the world would've shunned him jsut like it did Gentle. I do see your point with his accent, and think it's rather interesting case. Since for most who saw the sub/read the manga and knew Gentle, the dub was the most fitting in both acting and writting we could've hoped for. Yet at the same time it can alter someones perception of his character *this* much. I'm not saying you only hate him due to the voice. But you've mentioned him sounding pompous as a initial reason multiple times. A tone that wasn't there in the sub. So I think it's interesting how much a bad first impression can lead to a downhill slope in ones perception of a character and interpretation of that characters lines and actions