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I REALLY liked the way the heroes-in-training dealt with the kids!... And, of course, Bakugo became a caring mentor!   :-)

I WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/my-hero-academia/  




Here's something interesting in the next few episodes you might notice the animation looks a bit different and that's because the animators were working on the second movie in the middle of the fourth season. That's something I've always found pretty interesting

White Lightning

This episode really cements the fact that this is a universe where like 80% of kids have guns from the age of four. Getting bullied in school is one thing but if your bully has a literal fucking cannon for a tongue. I wouldn’t be surprised if kids accidentally killed each other just playing around with quirks.

Some guy named Chris

I love the way they played it with Fabulous, like a horror movie vibe. Or maybe misdirect is back to that possible spy in their ranks. Unless it’s a double bluff, like “it’s too obvious to be him” I think he’s off the list of possible spies.

Lewd Angel

Oh yeah, there was supposed to be a spy in the ranks, right. That totally went somewhere

Ted Cali

“And why is it important to be the strongest, Endeavor?” People dismiss this episode as fluff or filler, but it’s one of my favorites for how it really clearly spells out the theme for the rest of the season, which is honestly a theme that has been there since day one: the best hero isn’t necessarily the strongest, but the one who rescues your spirit. I’ll leave it at that for spoiler reasons, but just remember that Aoyama’s cheese isn’t just a funny gag - it’s his way of helping someone stuck in darkness. That’s more of a hero than someone who just punches really hard.


This makes you wonder how would Bakugo have handled it if he had stayed the same in season 1? I think this shows how much Bakugo has grown, not actually fighting the kids was a big step for him.


I really love Bakugo during this part. Last season we saw him breakdown due to the pressure he was under, and the adults around him really didn't notice till after his fight with Deku. So here we see him being understanding and caring to an arrogant child and helping to put him on the right path


Wait wait wait wait, WAIT! You mean to say... that I'm not alone in this world in hating cheese!? What universe have I stumbled into?

Sean Nelson

cheese hating heathen. lol jk I love 85% of cheese and 15% can go back to whatever trashcan they scraped it out of in the first place. so while I do like cheese I get the hate too lol