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I'm REALLY enjoying these characters!... Although I'm having a tough time making a case for Ami not being kind of a bitch!

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Phillip Ribbink

Do you think that Taiga's destruction of the photography club was the origin of her nickname "The Palmtop Tiger"?


Ami is... complicated. I won't promise she ever stops being kind of a bitch, but I do like her character, overall. And I really like the beach house episodes coming up! It's been a few years now, but I remember it being kind of a turning point for the kids as a group.


Another great reaction man, and yeah ami’s a hard one to work out. I try to be vague with these, as I know you’ll watch it all and don’t want to spoil opinions and stuff. But I really love how this show builds these characters. and even the little things like ami immediately running to get the teacher when she realizes something is wrong, she’s a bitch but she doesn’t want to drown taiga haha. Wasn’t expecting the upload so early in the month so I audibly was like “yes!” When the notification popped on my phone during work haha, I just love this show and I’m so glad you are enjoying it. I actually didn’t rewatch this episode(or any after it) in preparation of sponsoring it, so I’m getting to enjoy remembering while watching you react too, I had forgotten that taiga lost because ryuji almost drowned and about that scene following it (just thought it was the leg thing). I was like “oh yeah, taiga gonna shout she’s his” I can’t wait for more moments like this too, there’s so many great and heartwarming scenes it’s impossible to remember them all haha Sorry I know I’m going on forever but this show kinda changed my view on taigas archetype, like I was an anime noob when I first watched and my only experience was Sakura with the “she cares but she’s an asshole” thunders type, obvi I didn’t like her. I don’t know how they do it but it’s like you say, taigas clearly on edge but you can’t help but to root for her and like her, i guess that’s just the product of the great writing Okay I’ll stop here at the 4th paragraph lmao but as always thanks for the reaction and can’t wait for August to roll around!


No worries about post length at all, My Friend! I enjoy reading you guys’ takes on things and history with the series... I’m actually REALLY impressed with the writing of Ami. It’s quite an accomplishment to have a character that is large part bitch, but yet, somehow also someone you feel empathy for. 😊


Yeah, Ami's a tough cookie to puzzle out. Even this early on, I started trying to look for possible underlying motives for some of the stuff Ami does, and I think I found some. Things like, when it's just Ami, Ryuuji, and Taiga in the classroom, and Taiga's just depressed and not responding, I note that Ami waits until Ryuuji tries(and fails) to bring Taiga's spirits up, and then starts to act bitchy. First, she picks on her about Ryuuji, and when that fail to evoke a response, she switches to Kitamura, which DOES get a response. When I first watched this, I felt that she was trying to snap Taiga out of her depression her own way. I felt that she was trying to rile Taiga up to get her moving again out of spite, instead of wallowing in depression. And it worked. And when she meets Ryuuji by the vending machines, she pokes at him to get him back into helping Taiga. The smile she put on after he walked away wasn't one of her sarcastic smirks that our crew often get, and it felt more genuine than the nice girl mask she puts on for the other classmates. Later, after the race, although annoyed, she lets Taiga have her moment with Ryuuji and (for once) doesn't try to bring attention back to her. And then, when Taiga invites herself along to the beach house, she's annoyed again, however, she accepts Taiga's attendance. That's a private beach house owned by her family; she technically has every right to tell Taiga to just fuck off, and yet, she doesn't. I think she likes having someone around that's not afraid to just give her shit, and talk shit to her. She puts on the false persona for everyone else, but lets her real self shine through to the main crew. And even though she does enjoy the attention she gets SOMETIMES(like when she's soaking up everyone's admiration when she first shows up in a swimsuit), there are also times when she seems to shun it. Most notably, during that scene at the vending machine with Ryuuji. Note that this time, she didn't follow him there to talk to him; she was already there, almost deliberately hiding in a secluded corner. She's deliberately placed herself away from everyone, especially her idol-worshippers, and admits to Ryuuji that she feels more comfortable in the solitude with the walls close in around her, shielding her. Yeah, she's a very interesting character. Definitely my favorite lovable bitch. (And yes, she's definitely a bitch, no matter what. Whether she's being bitchy to be bitchy, or for some other reasons, she's still a bitch. But she's a bitch that I'm glad is there and part of the main crew.)


I really do respect that he takes care of mom. At least she's there and seems to love her son unlike deadbeat daddy. Fuck him.