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Wow! What a battle! I'm actually hoping ol' Blue-Hair isn't dead... But I think Ulquiorra's got something waiting for him!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  






The gullibles, the hoochies and the bastards...the 3 hollow classes

Mihai Alexandru Untu

I've been watching Bleach since 2011 and I consider it to be the best Shounen manga/anime ever created and I'm obsessed with Aizen (my 2nd favorite anime character). But still, I can see some moments like the ones in these couple past episodes are pure bullshit. Like how durable can Ichigo be after all that beating? You wanna tell me he instantly gained strength from hearing Orihime scream? That's some typical shounen plot armor type shit. But still, a great fight. The following fights will be even better so looking forward to those. :)


I love the respect Ichigo shows Grimjoww, even after stabbing him instead of letting him fall he grabs his hand and gently lowers him to the ground, what a gentleman.


grimjow is and probably always be my favorite of the Espada I know a lot of people like Ulquora better but personalty wize Grimjow is more fun to watch in my opinion.


If you noticed. Shawlong and the other Adjuchas from Grimmjows Backstory were the Same ones that attacked the World of the Living as Arrancars with Grimmjow they fought against Ikkaku Renji and the others.


And thus concludes one of the best fights in the series. Some interesting things to note about this episode: As it was stated, the Hollows have an evolutionary line, and the highest level they can achieve, is the Vasto Lorde. There is only about a handful Hollows that ever ascends to that level, and they are regarded as "Kings" among the Hollows. Grimmjow is one of those select few that reached that level. Another thing I find interesting, is how Grimmjow’s backstory ties into his philosophy. As we see, he was chosen by some Hollows to become their king, because they saw that he had the strength and drive for it. However, when they give up and request that Grimmjow consume them, he only eats a part of each off them, and later on they become his fraccion, serving him once again. This ties into one of the main things that nearly all the Espada have in common: They wish to find some way to end their lives of solitude, which Hueco Mundo forces them into. Most of them find it through serving Aizen, but Grimmjow finds it through his companions that follow him for his strength, or Ichigo, whom he shares a rivalry with. That is why he is among the few Espada that begins to develop in a positive way, showing both gratitude and respect towards Orihime and Ichigo as the series progresses. And it is the philosophy he has, that he needs to be the king, aka the strongest, and that he doesn't need anyone on his side, that causes him to be defeated, as Ichigo fights him not only for own desire to become stronger, but also for the sake of his friends. Which is one of the main themes of many anime, the power that bonds with others give us. Happy to see that you ended up liking Grimmjow Curtis, he is a very well written and likable rival and character overall. On a lighter note, next couple of episodes are probably going to make you hate spoon Espada even more lol.


Grimmjow is easily my favorite bleach character after Hisagi and is my #6 favourite anime character period.


Next episode if you are skipping filler is only half an episode since the recap is just recapping the whole fight from these last few episodes, just a heads up!


Gin is pretty cool too, you can almost compare him with the Flower Captain and Captain Commander, he is definitely one of the strongest Soul Reapers.