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I know Lelouch is dealing with a lot, but him slapping C2 REALLY pissed me off!

I WATCH CODE GEASS AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/code-geass/  



Miklar Sihn

Yeah, hitting C2 is a problem. I think the explanation is that she was pretty much his pressure valve for Lelouch, so now it came out another way. But that doesnt really excuse it. Luckily Lelouch also knows it, as was shown by his actions.

Miklar Sihn

It is worth noticing that while C2 is usually the narrator of the opening, Lelouch did it this time.


You're finally at the top of this mile high coaster, and the rest of this series will be a wild drop and an insane ride, with a final loop at the end. And yes, hitting C.C. is unacceptable. If you're that stressed out, there are other...stress relievers... you should be doing with her instead.


I always loved C2s aloof personality, her cold exterior while being a caring sweetheart inside. But seeing her like this...protecc. Protecc, headpat, and keep all the pain of the world away from her. I am a cynical bastard that usually doesn't get phased by anything, but C2 like this always gets to me.


Pretty sure it was accidental, him hitting her, it's like immediately afterward he kinda realized it happened, like he couldn't actually tell how close she was. Maybe he just meant to spin around and twirl that cloak for an emotional display, like 'Hey, I'm not in the mood stay back and stay quiet." Any chance he was being serious and actually wanting to hit her? Very slim, almost non existent, especially considering everything they've been through.


I don't know if I'm wrong saying this but I like C2 like this. I mean I like the normal c2 but this one is plain adorable and must be protected. Like Lulu after you know what


Almost certainly. You can tell by how shocked he was when he made contact and she fell over. Not to mention how it immediately made him snap out of his funk out of worry for her. Still though, you should watch where you dramatically twirl.


Also, little fun side note: Ever notice that NOBODY wants Australia? XD


It's a barren wasteland full of deserts and all manner of lifeforms solely designed to kill people. I don't want australia either. Hit it with a fleija or 20. It's for the good of the world.

Sean Nelson

I do believe it was an accident especially with how shook he was after.


People here calling a backhand slap a accident lol. Brainwashed by his Geauss i guess.

Rue Surnameunimportant

Man, Suzaku taking that smack-fest because he knew he was wrong-- fuck, best character alert. If nothing else, Lelouch is teaching him how NOT to be and it's so great to watch.


The thing with Lelouch hitting C.C. makes me think a little of that old psychology experiment with the students and the jail. How, after a while, you'll start to believe a false position of power. He's not even physically abusive like that with the people who are regularly subordinate to him. But he started living with this version C.C., who believed they had that kind of master-servant relationship... and its so separate from every other area of his life... that he basically slipped into that role. I'm not trying to make excuses; the 'why' of it just got my mind going.