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What a fascinating story of Kenny and Baldy's meeting!... Now I just need to know what happened with Angel Arms!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach 




For me ikkaku is such a badass and great character, the sad part is tho, is that because of how powerful other characters are, he seems to get overshadowed alot. Which I find disappointing, although he is not my fav character in bleach he is up there.


As far as back stories go, bleach really knows how to execute them well


I dig the respect Angel Arms gave Ikkaku in the end there.


Hold on I’m confused. Kenpachi is a name given to the Captain of squad 11, every Captain of that squad has always had the name Kenpachi. Wasn’t Kenpachi and Ikkaku’s fight before he joined the squad? So why does he already have that name?

Schmul Sjifris

You would be correct. That is all. Its a bit of an error but if you want it to make sense just imagine he was planning to take out the squad 11 captain in a fight or whatever or that he just took the title of the strongest onto himself before earning it. Because he thought he was or because he was planning to be or because it was a vow to become the strongest or the like.


It's funny, Ikkaku teaching Renji the 'learn their name' philosophy ties all the way back to the brief exchange Renji had with Uryu, when Renji was bringing Rukia back to the Soul Society.


I feel that Ikkaku's Bankai is like Soiphone's, it doesn't match his fighting style. His Bankai is extremely powerful but he loses all the technique that he displays in all his fights, which is what makes him really dangerous. I wonder if his Bankai repairs itself, like Soiphone's does. In that case, it is meant to take out far stronger opponents. Which means he is stronger than most characters. 🤔


I really like how Ikkaku and Renji have that relationship. It gives us a glimpse of how Renji went from that rookie in the academy to the lieutenant he is currently


gotta love bleach


My favorite character in Bleach, besides Yamamoto, Kisuke, Shunsui and another one I won't mention.