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Wow! Renji is not at all who I thought he was! Brother Kuchki, though, seems like an even bigger dick!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  



Miklar Sihn

I really wish they'd stopped somewhere in the middle of the academy part so we could try and convince you that most of the rest of the series happened in the academy. My Soulreaper Academia.

Miklar Sihn

The thing is, the only way Renji had any way of saving her was through proper channels. He expected her to be allowed to live from the start and got told by Aizen that this might be the work of someone from behind the scenes, so that became his only real hope. Now he has also bet on the dark horse that is ichigo and the ryoka.


If you think back on it, renji has dropped a lot of hints that he was actually friends with rukia and felt bad about her situation. Especially last episode when he kept yelling at Ichigo that he was the reason why she was going to be killed.


Renji didn't believe she would actually be killed being the adopted sister of a noble. He wanted to kill Ichigo in the hopes of having her sins forgiven and maybe saving her from death. His true goal was to defeat Byakuya but he's not even close to being strong enough to do that


Curtis every bleach episodes has some funny end dialogue that you'll love. There always at the last 15 second


Don't worry this is bleach, there's alot of ways and episodes we can troll curtis


Unfortunately, Renji suffers from a nasty case of the disease known only as "villain face". One look at that clearly villainous face and we immediately doubt his intentions and assume he's a villain.


I think I have that too every female I've met run away immediately when I look at them


Love this backstory


Well like Renji explained here, he don't have the power to free Rukia. If he tried, he'd just get arrested. So the way I see it, he's just been playing it "cool" or/and being untrue to himself. And when Ichigo now beat him, he swallowed that nonsensical pride and gave in, asked Ichigo for help. Also remember when Aizen asked Renji those questions about Rukia? I think he was startled by them, not so much because he was asked that by a Captain. But more so that they hit home.


Fun fact. The 78th district, 'West Rukon' as it's called, is where Ichigo and co. entered the Soul Society. Which is confusing because while we were there earlier we learned that the people there "stay the same as when they arrive." Meaning the don't age. My theory is that the only people who age are the one's that get hungry.


Renji didn't expect that they would actually execute her until her brother came in with that order. Still, he never had any intention of interfering. It's like if you were in the military, and your best friend did something that was considered treason, and they were marked to be executed. Even if it was over something minor, there's nothing you could really do. Even if you were willing to abandon your duty, there's nothing you'd be able to do. It's the entire military.


He had all the intention in the world to interfere if he had the power to do so, the main reason he didn't is because he knew the futility of it. But yes because of that, he wouldn't interfere. Thankfully, Ichigo doesn't think that way lol


Renji did not think they were going to kill Rukia he believed that she would get a harsh prison sentence instead. the soul society has some interesting rules that Renji believed in following that's why when he went to capture Rukia he went with the intent of punishing her. I belive renjji had some time to reflect on what he rely wanted and that's why he does this.


If i remember correctly ep.36 is when shit starts going down. So Friday hurry up.


Its not a thoery its true those who hunger have strong enough spirit energy to actually use. Its why they usually become soul reapers they eat and get to contol their power. This also causes them to age again as we see with Renji and Rukia. But soul reapers are also known to age MUCH slower to the point of immorality unless they starve or are killed. Rukia is sevel hundred years old but can pass as 15-16. One if the captains has the body of someone in there early teens which is explained later.